TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Responsibility is Everything

The classic example of making a mistake is when your nervous, or your the person that never admits for what he or she did. For example the show “Cops”, there are numerous examples where the person committing the crime or misdemeanor refuses to say what they did. Which in the end makes the whole situation a lot worse then it really is.

Take a scenario where a guy is driving under the influence of marijuana. He gets pulled over and the police officer asks him if he’s under the influence of any drugs and he says no. But the officer says “I smell marijuana on your breath.” Then he says, “I have no drugs in my system.” If that guy would’ve said yes, I am under the influence then there would’ve been less of a punishment. Just like if you plea guilty in a case, you get less of a charge. If he just accepted what he did and took responsibility for his actions then he would’ve had less of a charge towards him.

Another real life example is when I went to the Maine Courthouse with my business law class. A guy in his mid 40’s who’s been a useful member of the society for years and has kept a steady job. One day he illegally fished and captured endangered ells that are a Chinese delicacy. There were others in the operation, but he only illegally sold $20,000 worth of cells. But one of the things the judge said while I watched the sentencing for his case was he was cooperative. He admitted the crime he did and was cooperative with the police department. That’s a great example of someone taking responsibility for their mistake.

In conclusion, If you simply take responsibility for the mistakes you make. In result there will be less damage or less of a punishment. Like the guy that was under the influence of marijuana. If he would’ve told the police officer the first time that he was under the influence then there would’ve been less of a punishment. In the real-life example he took full responsibility and was cooperative with the police department during the investigation. In result he had less of a charge. Taking responsibility for a mistake is a huge moralistic action.

Photo by Patrick Feller on / CC BY




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  • ebarnett19
    January 17, 2019 at 5:14 pm 

    I like how you go talk about real world examples and use quotes from these examples. The post could be helped more if you go more in depth on the examples by showing results of what they bring etc. I overall like the the story a lot and it helps show the overall meaning of this topic in a way that I had not thought of before.

  • iaustin19
    January 17, 2019 at 6:53 pm 

    Unfortunately not everyone is able to take responsibility for their own actions. In my opinion, I believe that being able to take responsibility for something you did is a sign of maturity. As they say, honesty is the best policy. I agree with you CD. If you mess up, just accept the responsibility for your mistakes and try to learn from it. As Ed Zuis says, “being wrong is the first step to being right.” Mistakes are bound to happen, everyone makes them because no one is perfect. All you can really do to progress is take responsibility for your mistakes and learn from them. Well done CD, yet another excellent piece of writing.

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