TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Timmy Oh No

Timothy Piazza was an 18 year old College student who had attended Penn State University before his tragic death just weeks after he arrived on campus. Fraternity “brother” Tim Piazza died from alcohol poisoning after a hazing “ceremony”. That night the fraternity held their initiation ritual called “The Gauntlet” this is where students were pressured to drink a lethal amount of alcohol.

Piazza was caught on camera drinking lethal amounts of Vodka and Beer and at around he is seen staggering very drunkenly down the basement steps of the house, this is where the other fraternity members left him to “sleep it off”

The brothers were reported to have picked Piazza up from the ground where he had fallen off the couch and proceeded to body slam him back onto the couch and then they put a backpack filled with books on him so he wouldn’t choke on his own vomit. When one of the students spoke up about Piazza needing medical assistance two of the other members shoved him against the wall in a threatening manner and told him that his opinion was invalid to theirs and that his opinion didn’t matter. Piazza was said to have got up off of the couch at around 3:20 but again he stumbled, fell, and hit his head off of the hard wood flooring. At this point nobody in the house was willing to stop and help him as one of the other members of the house went downstairs for a drink of water, stepped over Timothy Piazzas body and proceeded to ignore his existence as he made his way back upstairs, another member allegedly captured a picture of piazza passed out on the floor and posted it to his Snapchat account.

No help was called until the next morning when other members of the house found piazza cold, stiff, and bloody. At this point the men tried to dress him and clean him up but were unsuccessful due to his stiffness. Timothy Piazza was pronounced dead at 1:20 am on February 4th 2017, at Hershey Medical Center’s ICU.

Ryan Burke who was on film the night before Timothy Piazza’s death was seen providing Piazza with the bottle of vodka that essentially killed him. Burke faced 30 days probation and other members of the house including him were on house arrest. Many people believe that this sentencing was too little for a young man’s death but many others also believe that Burke is not responsible for Timothy Death because he was not directly forced to drink the alcohol that he did. In hearing this story we learn that mistakes happen whether they are meant to be a night of lighthearted fun that goes south. We learn of the consequences of peer pressure on others and the real effects on alcohol. We also learn that people may have become less aware of the effects and actual damage that alcohol an have on a person which resulted in death.

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1 Comment

  • dgendron19
    January 15, 2019 at 2:25 pm 

    Great story! The amount of detail that you put into the story helps make the reader very interested. It also helps send out a very important message about peer pressure and how there are many consequences that come with caving to the peer pressure. Many people need to know about the deadly effects of things such as alcohol.

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