TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Procrastination doesn’t lead to an easy destination

Every year of school up to high school I have done my homework on time, mostly. I was too scared to get in trouble by the teacher by not doing my homework, but up until high school my whole mood changed.I decided to not do my homework on time and save it until the end of the year to do it and that was the worst thing that I have ever done.

At the beginning of the school year last year, I was getting homework and passing it in on time because I started off the year saying that I am going to do my homework on time and not procrastinate so it won’t be so stressful at the end of the year. So I would do my homework and be on top of things. I kind of liked doing my homework and passing it in on time because I felt like I wasn’t going to be buried in schoolwork at the end of the year. Well I was wrong.

            In the middle of the year I decided that I would rather watch t.v. or do other things than do my homework because there is nothing that is going to happen if I turned it in late. The only thing that it would do is put a late marking next to the assignment. It wouldn’t take off points or anything so I decided to not do my homework. I just kept putting it off and putting it off saying that I was going to do it sometime before the school year ends but then again there was another lie. My mom started asking me if I had homework to do because she saw me not doing anything for a couple of weeks and I would either lie and say no, or I would say yes and just say that I could get it done in study hall. That is another mistake that I still need to work on, doing stuff in study hall. I still just blow off my work and decide to watch videos instead, which is harder for me because now I have to do it at home and it will never go away.

            At the end of the year I was so piled up with work. For the last three weeks of school I was barely sleeping because I was staying up trying to do the work that was due a very long time ago and then in the mornings I was so tired because I didn’t sleep. I would get 2-4 hours of sleep each night and wake up early and do more because I was so stressed out that I wasn’t going to finish the year and I would have to go to summer school. My mom every night would keep telling me “don’t go to bed to late tonight” and I would straight up tell her that there is no way that I was going to go to bed early. That’s when both my parents would tell me to get my work done when it’s due so I wouldn’t have to go through this at the end of the year. That’s when I would get mad and say “I know” even though this has happened to me for my whole high school career. I am also hard on myself because at the end of each semester I would want to get honor roll so I would make up more work if I didn’t have a high enough grade.
            I now realized my Senior year that doing your work on time is so good because teachers don’t get mad at you and you don’t have to stress out at the end of the year trying to get all your work done. It may have taken me until my last year of school to learn that if you just do your work on time then it will be worth it in the end. It’s worth it to stay up a little late on some nights getting your work done than staying up all night stressing out on getting it all done.
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  • jcollins19
    January 15, 2019 at 2:22 pm 

    This has happened to me every year and every year I always tell myself to stay on task and do your work but I never keep this promise to myself. I have risked going to summer school twice and finally over the summer I learned my lesson after I had to go to summer school. I hated it so much that now I stay on top of my work and it makes me feel proud and accomplished. I relate to the part where you said you would put it off and say you would do it later but watch tv instead because I have done this many many times and it is indeed a vicious cycle of procrastination and extreme stress.

  • cspencer19
    January 15, 2019 at 9:50 pm 

    I still procrastinate to this day and I get stressed out. I can relate to your story except instead of staying up late I would go to bed and worry about it the day it was do or the class period before. Someday I will get a rude awakening by procrastinating, but I hope I will learn to get my work dome before then. Teachers pile on the homework with multiple assignments making it hard to keep track of which one is due first.

  • lbailey19
    January 19, 2019 at 12:26 am 

    I know what you mean by procrastination isn’t good but I still do it no matter what. The semester ends in about 30 minutes and im trying to crank out as much of these comments I can. Instead of doing it after school, I took a nap which wasn’t the smartest decision. But hey, no matter what at the end of the semester I’m always cramming as much work as possible into he last week which is something I definitely need to work on!! You’ve got next semester though I believe in you!

  • mbuckmore19
    January 20, 2019 at 1:24 pm 

    I can relate so much! I used to procrastinate a lot and I have gotten better over the years, but it can be so hard to not, as it is easy to do other things and avoid doing homework and senioritis. You have gotten better with it though over the years and you still have another semester left! I know you can do it!!

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