A request, not of great inconvenience but of great value. My sister means a lot to me so of course, I wanted to help her out. Plus with being the youngest sibling most things get shrugged on to me. With being the great sibling that I am, of course, I walk into my dining area where my sister normally puts her purse, it’s not there.
After searching more and more in the dining area and not coming up with anything, I move towards the living room. This search also comes up with no results, well except me getting upset because my simple generosity had turned into a difficult task. I thin walk tot the other side of my house to check her room to see if it’s there, and you’ll never guess it, but it also wasn’t there.
After searching for all possible locations for the purse, I am currently upset with my sister because I wanted to do something nice but now it’s nowhere. I start getting aggravated with her saying “just tell me where it is”, but of course she doesn’t know where it is, this is a common occurrence with her. She’s in the dining room and me in the kitchen, with there being a window built in between the rooms it allows us to talk. I say “talk” but of course, I mean we are arguing by this time. Well, when I look down, to find out she had put her purse on the separator, just we didn’t look. I handed it to her and we both apologized to each other. Me for arguing about nothing and her for sending me on a wild goose chase. We’re siblings, what else will we do but argue over nothing. After having a not so nice argument I look down, to find out my sister had put her purse on the separator, just both of us didn’t look. I handed it to her and we both apologized to each other. Me for arguing over nothing and her for sending me on a wild goose chase. We’re siblings, what else will we do but argue over nothing.
Looking back on it now I see we both learned something from it. I learned that I need to be more observant of things and not get so easily upset over minor inconveniences. My sister would actually make improvements to, instead of just saying “look for my purse” she now will specifically say where it last was. Plus I mean it takes a lot to admit you’re wrong, but we both did and apologized for it and it makes us better people to just talk about it. Doesn’t mean it still doesn’t happen occasionally, but it’s quite better than it was before the incident.
Photo on Foter.com
Greta job on telling the story I could picture the whole thing in my head. I enjoy the story because it is pretty funny. It reminds me of my parents asking me where the remote is. I am glad you learned something from this. It makes me wonder if I need to fix myself to pay attention to things more often.
I can relate to this closely because I have a sibling I am the oldest sibling but in some cases this happens to me and my sister I will try to help and we will normally ended fighting and then apologize after.
I relate to this so much. My younger brother is super forgetful and has a tendency to say things that aren’t necessarily true because he doesn’t want to get up and look for it. For example he locked us both out of the house one afternoon because when I asked him if he had his key that same morning he didn’t want to get up and look for it so instead he just said yes and we both left for school. You can imagine that I was upset after this when we were locked out but just like you and your sister we both got over it and now we are both better at not arguing over small things and paying more attention when something is asked of us.
Great story! I love the humor that you use throughout your writing it helps keep the reader interested and having fun. The story also reminds me of myself because I always leave things in places and lose them which makes me get into arguments with my siblings too.
I can relate to this a lot i have an older and younger brother that this happens with a lot. Being the middle child i get caught in the middle of it a lot too. Most of the time this happens with my older brother because he is away at college and i touch his stuff and then he goes to find it and it is gone. It also happens with my little brother too when he is looking for something of my older brothers and it is not there and I get caught in the middle because I touch it and i get in trouble because i was the one who moved it. Nevertheless I would always apologize for my mistake. Great story, love the detail you went into.
I used to argue with my sister all the time about silly small things then we would wait about a half and forget that we were ever arguing with each other in the first place. Although we don’t get into arguments anymore because she rents her own apartment now.