TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Ultimate Friend

At one point in everybody’s life they get help from a friend or give a friend some help. When you have to go through grade school and then high school and college for some people. You either get help from someone or give help to someone. It’s a common courtesy among the human nature and us as a society. We are constantly throwing ideas and opinions off of one another. As well as learning from one another. At one point in everyone’s life they have gotten help from a friend and given a friend some help. I am going to be talking about how I helped a friend who had a problem and got help from a friend when I had an issue going on in life. This friend of mine and me have been friends for years. We have played basketball, baseball, and football together all the way through highschool. I’m actually the one who got him to play football many years ago. Which to this day he loves with a passion. But to get back on track he’s so close to me and my family that he calls my mom “his mom” and my dad his “uncle Dan.” He is pretty much my second cousin because his great grandfather and my great grandmother were married. You could say that we are very very close.
Let’s just say not everyone gets lucky with relationships, especially in high school. This friend of mine had been in a few relationships in the past but really only one serious one before the girl i’m going to be talking about. He had been dating this girl for almost a year and something happened. Where he didn’t have trust in her anymore so they broke up in a really bad way. She ended up breaking up with him about a month later. After that whole thing happened that I will remain a secret. He went off the deep end very quickly. He got very depressed about everything on his life. Everything was negative to him. He needed my help badly. So I was there for him everyday talking about his feelings or simply doing little favors for him here and there. I was texting him constantly asking if he was okay and basically creating small talk to keep his mind off of things for a little while. He needed me and I was there for him to help him through it. He is my best friend and I would always be there for him no matter what circumstances were in play. I know he would do the same for me. Which he did later on the road a couple months ahead of this scenario.
Again it was a highschool relationship story. I had a thing with this girl that went to Oak Hill. I had felt pretty good about it and asked my friend what he thought about this girl. He said “She’s bad news bro”. At first I didn’t believe him one bit. But later on I found out he was right. She had told me she was going to bed but I checked her Snapchat map location and she was at her ex’s house sleeping over. That destroyed me emotionally. The next day I was going up to camp with my friend all the way in Strong, Maine . I gave him the phone and said “Please break things apart for me.” That’s exactly what he did. I am thankful for him looking out for me so I wasn’t even more emotionally destroyed by this girl that could care less about me. It didn’t end well between us but we are friends to this day which is good I think. Another situation when this best friend of mine helped me while I was going through stuff was last school year during fall. I had a thing with this girl from Leavitt. She played soccer so I would always go support her and go to her games. I would sit with her parents and I got very close with her and her family. It had been going very well with her. We had been a thing for almost two months. Then of course something terrible had to happen. I heard rumors throughout my school told by someone who lives near her that she was cheating on me. Her friend told me after a Leavitt football game she was making out with a guy in the parking lot in his car. As soon as I heard that it felt like my heart got ripped out of my chest. Of course I got used again by another girl. Something that always has been said is “the nice guy gets used the most.” At that moment that is exactly what happened. We ended up breaking things off from each other because of that. I needed a friend desperately after that had happened. He was there for me when no one else was. He got me out of the sadness I was in after this terrible break up
Just recently that same friend got told his parents are getting a divorce. As he told me this you could tell he was emotionally torn. He had a little tears in his eyes and quivered his words while telling me. I told him “I’m sorry man, I’m here for you, if you need anything just let me know.” At that moment I really didn’t know what to say to him other then I’m here for him. Sometimes that’s all you have to say. I’m going to make sure that I will continue to be there for him through every obstacle that will come in the next few months.
. The theme of all these stories I just explained is that a friend is permanent and will always be there for you in times of distress or trouble. A friend is someone you can always go to no matter what the situation is. I hope me and him will continue to be friends throughout life. We can both look back at those stories I just explained and just laugh together. That’s what a true friend really is.


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  • smoring19
    January 16, 2019 at 9:59 am 

    Hearing these stories makes me realize just how much friends matter and how much of an impact one person can have on another. I am very glad to hear that you have stuck by this friends side through the worst and the best, you truly are a good friend. I love the way you set up this story and made it easy for us to follow, very deep and emotional stories.

  • aparent19
    January 17, 2019 at 7:41 pm 

    I am so sorry that this happened to you, I am glad that you had a friend who was there for you to help ease your mind in any situation that was thrown your way. I am also glad that your friend knows that he can count on you. I have always been told that it always takes a few friendships to find who a true friend is. It sounds like you have that, and it something you should never let go of. Most importantly I am glad that you were able to move on through these struggles and be able to laugh at them now.

  • anadeau19
    January 20, 2019 at 7:03 pm 

    This is so sweet! Relationships in life can be really difficult, but it is great to see that you had someone who understood what you were going through. In addition, it’s pretty great of you to be there for the friend when they needed it most. I really liked how you defined what a friend was to you toward the end of the writing. You’re such a good friend to everyone, keep it up! I hope life has been treating you guys better!

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