TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Family That Football Has Created

Being a three sport athlete I am around many of my friends more than some of my family members. This makes many of us willing to do anything for each other if it helped benefit each other in a good way. On the football team we create a very strong bond as we start in June and end in November. In all sports there is such emotion and physical stress we often times play through many things such as injuries or even mental struggles, which creates an environment where we need other people who are mentally strong around us in order to succeed. Over the past season alone we have had kids play through the divorce of their parents as well as another playing with a broken arm, myself playing with a torn acl and another teammate playing with a broken thumb. As a team we believe pain is temporary and many of us would do anything to be on the field with each other at all costs. As a team we help each other through situations just by being there for each other, as our presence on the field is often times enough to help others through rough times.
My friends and I can talk about anything, I have helped my friend get through a recent divorce of his parents. This specific friend has known me since kindergarten. My friend and I grew up playing three sports together and being around each other for almost our entire childhood. Although we now only play one sport together we are still close and would be willing to help each if it was ever needed. We were around each other whether in sports or school, and when neither of those were going on we were still often times in close proximity. Meeting such a reliable person at a young age I believe has helped teach me how to be a good and reliable friend as well. We have been very close and able to tell each other, or help each other through almost anything. Over this time my friend and I have helped each other through moving animals, or relatives dying, divorce and many other things.
On sports teams we also help each other through everyday struggles that we may have either at school, work, home or any environment that we may be struggling in. We talk through issues with teachers, parents, coaches, and girlfriends. If a member of the team is struggling in a class or feels that they deserve more playing time we help to try and find a productive and efficient way to make the situation work. We often times spend more time together than we do with our own families as we see each other all day at school and then at practice after school. We help each other in many different ways as we are there for each other like a family. Seeing each other this much makes it so there is no real feeling of being closer to one specific person over others. Every player on the team feels very equal to each other and could talk to any other player on the team without feeling excluded. We talk to every member of the team as if they are our best friend and we are able to talk to each other about any issue or glory we may have. We think of each other as equals from the best to the worst and all would be willing to do anything for a member of the team in order to help them out.
Being in such close proximity to my friends we constantly know what is happening in each others lives and I am able to help them through any struggles that they may go through as well as them helping me. As a team we spend a lot of time together as sometimes if we have an after practice event we will be around each other for over twelve ours in a day. We help each other build confidence to where we all believe in ourselves and are able to get through situations we did not believe we would be able to previously. In all sports that I am involved in and I believe all that I am not involved in chemistry is a huge part of success as if you feel the people around you would do anything for you outside of the sport they will do anything for you within the sport.


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  • iaustin19
    January 17, 2019 at 6:44 pm 

    Ebarnett, I find myself fortunate that I moved to Oak Hill. Not only have I had the pleasure of playing sports with you, I have unfortunately played sports against you back in rec. Man, you Litchfield guys used to really kick our butts. There is nothing I will miss more than this last football season with you. The Friday nights spent at your house, the bond we have shared especially over our highschool career is something I hope will last a lifetime. Love you lots kid. I look forward to one more sports season with you.

  • rcote19
    January 17, 2019 at 8:37 pm 

    I really like how you wrote this, it makes it really easy for a person who doesn’t play sports to understand this feeling. You make it very clear of what trust means and being there for one another. Its is plooted very well with a very strong intro good job E

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