TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughable Remarks

Being able to laugh about a situation after it has happened, helped my friends and I through many situations. These moments are usually tough until a friend makes fun of the situation as we joke around with each other a lot. Many of these things are confrontations between my friends and I during the day while we are at school or at practice after school talking about even smaller things like trying to figure out events that happened and the order in which they happened. All of us are very willing to express our opinion with support behind it while being about to laugh about it when we are proven wrong. At school my friends and I are always able to express our opinions and be outgoing without being afraid of being judged as we know at the end of it we will be able to laugh off anything that we say.

A major thing that my friends and I often argue about are sports which leads to poor statements or mistakes that we are usually able to laugh off and joke about after the original statement. We commonly argue about outcomes of games, how certain scenarios would change games, or how play calling in a game should have gone. Although we do have many scenarios where we argue over something small, there usually is good reason to our conflicts and end positively in most scenarios. A common agreement that we had and everyone else had when watching the Seahawks Super Bowl is that they should have ran the ball at the one yard line.

A major disagreement that we have every year is during the draft and whether a prospect is good or not. I have been right many times and wrong many times in how a prospect will perform when becoming pro, this has led to many funny conversations of how incredibly wrong we usually are. We often times have very heated arguments, although they always resolve with laughter at the end. I have been right when talking about how I thought that Baker Mayfield or Lamar Jackson would be good quality quarterbacks which was proven later on in the year even when I have had friends highly disagree with me. Both of these guys have played very well this year and have played just as well as I thought they would if not better. Although for I am right sometimes there is also a large portion of the time where I am being laughed at for a remark that I make. A major example of this is Jared Goff. I thought that Goff was very overrated coming out of college and that he would be a bust which has proven laughable in itself. Goff has proven to not be a bust and is now a very solid quarterback at the professional level making my opinion on the situation look very poor and laughable. This is very funny to look back on for me because Goff is a much better quarterback than I ever thought he could of been as he has rapidly progressed and proven me wrong. I also got made fun of my opinion a little bit after, deservedly so as I was completely wrong. This was all in good fun, however as we all joke around and make fun of each others opinions whether they are right or wrong.

A common similarity with these situations is that after they occur, all my friends and I are able to laugh about what we said and make fun of each other at school. We are able to do this because we are fairly reasonable in switching our opinions and are not being overly stubborn when it comes to having a false statement. We laugh off most of our mistakes and try to stay positive as often as possible. If we were unable to laugh off the situations and joke about them we would be much less willing to share our opinions. When we are wrong, we do not take it to heart as we are all willing to accept when we are wrong and just laugh it off even if we are not happy about it at first. In all environments this has helped as I am much more confident expressing my opinion as I am a lot more outspoken than I was before I entered high school. This helps the friendships between all my friends and I because we are able to express our opinions, while also being able to laugh it off when we say something that is wrong.

Being able to be comfortable in a situation with my friends and laugh off decisions that we make or things that we do is very beneficial. Laughter is very beneficial to these situations as it allows the situation to be brushed off and keeps arguments from being tense and much worse. Laughter allows a conversation to be beneficial and have meaning without hurting the feelings of others. We are able to make decisions without thinking how we will be judged by each other and if we do make a mistake we will be able to laugh it off.

Photo by Beegee49 on / CC BY-ND


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  • cbeaule19
    January 18, 2019 at 10:26 am 

    I like how you could admit that you were right as many times and at the same time you were wrong about some too. This is a good essay and I could easily relate.

  • meaton19
    January 20, 2019 at 5:12 pm 

    I agree with you that being able to laugh off mistakes make it easier to be more open with our opinions. Talking to friends about anything that we like to do and having them understand definitely helps us speak our minds openly. We also don’t have to really worry about the others getting offended when they know that we are joking around. Just one thing that I would change is to not be as repetitive about laughing. One way to get around this would be to give the examples of when your laughed it off and then after a couple examples explain how the situations ended with you laughing it off.

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