TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughing at Setbacks

TComing into my senior I told myself that I was going to push through and do my best. English, has put this in my set back. This has been my struggle, this year. I try to tell myself that everything is going to be okay and I am going to pass. At this rate, this will not happen. Trying my best and still failing is something I cry about every single day. Going home because my grades are not in when I turned them in, my parents freak out on me. This is my greatest set back that I cannot laugh about.

Coming into duel enrollment to get my college credit, I was always pushing forward. My parents told me I was taking a lot on, which was try but passing every other class I knew that I had this one in the bag. I always did well in english. Always doing my work and passing it in on time. Which sometimes happens, but sometimes not having a straight forward date is hard. I always am looking forward to college, going to a small school knowing that I will get help. I struggling get my thoughts out. Never wanting to hurt someones feeling, but hurting myself in the long run. Struggling through school is my biggest fear.

My other bigger fear is not graduating and going to college. I have big plans and always want to succeed at these. Having someone as a teacher that does not understand and click with me is going to happen in life, but trying and not getting the same level of effort back is challenging. Moving forward on both parts things could change, trying and communicating is a big part. This is something I cry about everyday, anxiety always going through the roof. Not having a lot of work left, but getting it done and never passing the standards is another setback

I think that if I laughed during this time I would have enjoyed my senior year more than I have. Instead of crying during these times, laughing would have made it easier, and bring the positivity would have given me more motivation to get my stuff done. Laughing pushes me forward and makes me get over myself, and not dwell on things that have already happened that I cannot change. Taking on college classes I think that English is the most difficult. Taking on a lot in my senior year may have not been the best thing, but I will always try my best and work as hard as I can.

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1 Comment

  • tmoore19
    January 24, 2019 at 12:10 pm 

    I can completely understand this post. It can be really exciting at first to have plans of taking on extra work that will benefit your future! But it’s also a giant weight on your shoulders. That becomes overwhelming at times. It takes a lot to reflect on your choices, and you have an ability to do that well, which I admire.

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