TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Anxiety and School

Struggling in school has always happened to me, as having friends to push me to be better I have helped. Senior year this is when the “senioritis” starts. As happens to me she is always here. As I, helping a friend when they are having an anxiety attack or going through a rough time is something I have always been able to help with.

Going through school I have always slacked off. Doing well by the end of the semester has been something I have always done. Thinking that I can get good grades, and not do any of my work, when in reality that is not true. You have to work for your greats and what you get. I have always tried my best, but having no motivation has always stopped me from doing my best. My friend that I had met this summer during work, has always tried to find the best in me. She is always motivating me to do my best. While putting off my work she reminds me what it will do to me in the end, and that I need to graduate to just get it done. Having this type of friend has helped me as I am going through my senior year I continue to think it’s all over when it is not. Having this type of friend is the kind that I needed where I am going to college and trying to get through medical school. I thank her for all she does to push me to be a better me. Her helping me in school I try my best to give her what she needs. As I help her to become a better her pushing her through the struggles in her life hoping to get rid of them.

While she is helping me, continuing with my same friend, she struggles with anxiety. As previously I have gone through this when I was in eighth grade, I know how much it sucks.I told her my story to make sure she understood that I knew how she felt, and I was trying my best to help her. Crying every night not wanting to live anymore, feeling alone. Going into the hospital where I got help for this feeling is not something I wanted for her. This time was scary for me, waking up to screaming was not something I could get out of my mind to this day. This is something that I struggled with know how she is feeling is one thing that makes me able to help her. When she is crying every night night I continue to tell her over FaceTime to take deep breathes, everything is going to be okay is more meaningful than most think. Being the shoulder to cry on when no one else is there, having this feeling is the worst. Trying to be the best friend I can but, I know I can not always fix it is the worst feeling. I continue every night to check up on her and call her to make sure she is okay and not giving up on herself, I hear her sniffle and tell me she is okay, thanking me and telling me she loves me. Pushing her through this time and making her smile so she knows that she is not alone, I am always here. Today, never letting go of a friendship that pushes us both through our issues and making each other the best us we can be.

To this day, when having a friend you always can count on is the best. Knowing that if you are struggling with anything or even need just someone to listen too. This is what my friend and I have, nothing knowing this. Having the friend in me has helped me have long-lasting relationships, having friends that help me with my work ethics as I help them with their mental health.

Photo by Anton Vakulenko on / CC BY-SA


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  • alapointe19
    January 17, 2019 at 4:39 pm 

    Well done, sounds like you two really work great together. I also believe it is essential to have someone to always be there for you, as you will always be there for them. I can relate to the procrastination in school, I always feel like I will do fine without putting much effort in. Its a bad habit, but “senioritis” has gotten me looks like I’ll have to fight through.

  • aparent19
    January 17, 2019 at 7:22 pm 

    I understand where you are coming from in school. I too have always struggled in school, I see where your friend helps you a lot through any anxiety that you may have, along with that you’ll do all you can to help her. The most struggling thing I find is when your family see’s the frustration in you, but knows that they have no idea how to help us so we lean to our friends. I am glad you have a friend who pushes you to exceed in life and helps you work for what you want. Nothing more makes me happier that you have a friend who you can relate to, and help you push through on times that you both need.

  • msmith19
    January 20, 2019 at 1:14 pm 

    It’s always nice when you can have a friend that can share a story when your haveing bad times because then you won’t feel alone

  • jstjohn19
    January 20, 2019 at 6:08 pm 

    This was very meaningful and sent a message that hits close to home for me. I have struggled with always feeling down because of school. and I am a procrastinator by the soul. but at the end of the day, I always do my work. Friends are essential to get through the tough times whether its school, work or any other personal problems like anxiety. I believe that without friends I wouldn’t be where I am at today. they push me to do better while of course giving me a hard time in some moments. But don’t let these people go out of your life you need them to help you grow as a person and as a student.

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