TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughing it Off

This happened a few weeks ago actually, and it was a rough few minutes I can tell you. Well, it was November something and I knew Fielder’s Choice was going to close soon and man, I was really craving a wind-up with vanilla ice-cream, cookie dough, and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (now I’m craving one again). So I drove down to Fielder’s after I got my mom and brother’s request and ordered those things in like 30 degree weather, because why not. Anyway, I waited a few minutes before all the ice-creams arrived in a brown paper bag (I ordered them to go) and said “thank you!”. Well I turned around to leave and I heard her say something to me and the tone and the way she said it sounded like a question, so I was confused and debated for a split second whether I was going to turn around or not, but I felt it would be rude if it WAS a question, so I ended up turning around and was like, “what?”.

And she said “Oh, I just said have a good night!” with a polite laugh.

See, that in itself already is embarrassing like I was expecting her to say something else or something or like I can’t understand the basic English language, you know? So I just returned it with a small laugh and said, “Oh! Thank you, you too!” It was worth it anyway because I had myself some good ice cream waiting for me, what’s a bit of embarrassment already, right? Wrong.

You know, a small bit of embarrassment was enough for me already, but not enough apparently because when I turned around again I walked into one of those stupid poles. And I KNOW she saw me do it becuase it was like a 5 second situation from the “what?” to the ‘walking into a pole’. Oh, I was so embarrassed and I didn’t turn around or stop or anything I just kept going back to my car, wondering why in the name of- would they ever put so many poles right there? Who cares if the roof needs support, think of the people, my friend. Think of the embarrassment.

So I was laughing to myself as I walked back to my car in shame because not only did I ask what she said when all it was was “have a good night”, I also walked into a pole, just to make things worse. I got in my car and buckled and drove out of there as fast as I could (but safely, don’t worry).

But on the ride home, I was thinking to myself, ‘you know what? So what! It was a bit of embarrassment but I’m sure I’m not the only one to do that! This eased my embarrassment by reassuring myself that it’s completely fine and it didn’t ruin my life or anything close to it. So I just laughed it off and enjoyed every bit of my cookie dough and Peanut Butter Cup wind-up.

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