TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Small Things

Although, I often don’t ask for help from others, regarding my own problems, sometimes the right answer is one gained from two minds not one. When working in groups I often find myself thinking I’d rather be working by my lonesome, although obviously this creates an unrealistic situation where I’m expected to achieve the same amount of work that would be expected of four people. Not every situation can/should be handled without others help, and in such doing eases , the stress of all the others, why try to carry a one hundred pound burden by yourself, when you can rely on those you trust, and only carry a fraction of that burden and in turn you help them carry their burden as well. By relying on others you put trust in those you consider friends and makes things easier for everyone. Each and every relationship, whether they be a friend or more, requires trust in the others. To establish trust in friends you must also be open enough to show them bits of your lives, and allow them to also trust in you.

My friends and I often end up helping each other in minor ways, I don’t often rely on others for favors and such, but I’m definitely not stubborn enough to turn down help when I need it. When I decided to upgrade my computers graphics card, I called upon my extremely tech savvy friend to help me out. Through multiple discord messages and calls, I figured out, with his guidance of course, how to properly install this graphics card unto my now, four year old personal computer. Since he was unable to be there in person and help me out that way, we resorted to discord calls and messages, along with pictures and such. This way he could walk me through it as best as possible, without physically being there or doing for me. Although, a complicated process, I was (with his assistance of course) able to install the graphics card without much hassle or trouble.

I tend to help my friends on work they are stuck on, and since I have friends in lower grades, this is often quite an easy task for me, although if it can help them when they’re stuck on assignments I would say it is worth it. Whether it be Flip work or such, friends always seem to appreciate a bit of help on projects, which in most cases just seems to be encouragement and morale support, keeping them on task and such, so that they won’t fall behind and let all that school work snowball, and then create an even greater problem for themselves. In situations regarding school work, I haven’t always been the best at such academics, naturally I also get morale support and encouragement from my friends who are usually stuck in the same boat. A sort of give and take that helps both of the parties to succeed.

When I really got behind my sophomore year, I was lucky enough to have a friend who was there to help, when I stayed up to three a.m. to accomplish three essays, I had said friend helping me out mentally the entire time, which was kind on their part, by suggesting me stuff to listen and such, they kept me sane throughout the night of extreme levels of homework and struggle, during this crunch time night. With this support, not only did I destroy three essays, I also managed to listen to the entirety of Hamilton whilst writing said three essays. Although rough, it kept me sane and focused enough to pass that semester, and in doing so saved me a considerable amount of time, and also saved me from summer school. When friends are able to help me in such ways, not only does it help me with whatever burden I’m carrying, but it also strengthens my resolve to be there for them when they might need homework, help or just someone to keep them sane. Since humans are social beings, its quite important that we socialize, otherwise not only do you struggle to function at one hundred percent, but it also serves to make the individual feel alone, its them vs. the world kind of situation, which of course is always going to be an unhealthy system, but by having those people that you can trust and rely in, it helps to keep up healthy, and also serves to keep us quite sociable and happy. A life in complete isolation isn’t much of a life at all, and at the end of the days we need friends as much as they need us.

When friends help each other it can often result in an outcome better than how it would have been handled by themselves. The saying two brains are better than one, really seems to hold true as I have experienced it, although many prefer to be “lone wolf’s” or simply not let others worry about problems they see as exclusively their own, this solitary view on work and their problems often results in an problem either becoming worse or not as great as it could have been, granted you trusted in others to help you with the situation. In the end friends are important and should be treated with respect, each relationship is a give and take and requires both parties to be on similar terms, so that they may both help each other, when struggles present themselves. A good friend is willing to help you in troubling times, and stressful situations, its only right to return the favor, and be there for them when they need you the most. Cause in the end… What are friends for.

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