TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Friends With Helping Hands

Over time I’ve had many friends some have been there for me through everything and some have come and gone, but I know that I’ll always have my one best friend that I can rely on the most, he has been there for me through a lot of hard things in my life and I have been there for him as well. He also happens to be my boyfriend. Ever since we met he has made my life a happier place, before we met I was sad, and I felt alone which sounds super cliche but I was more depressed than I had ever been because of high school and all of the new changes that come with it, he has been a shoulder for me to cry on since day one and he makes me feel like I can be myself and that it is okay to love myself just the way I am. He has always supported me with all of the decisions I make in life and he ultimately is my number one fan through everything. One time specifically that he was there for me is when I crashes my car. I had just gotten my car for my birthday maybe one week before this whole situation occurred. I was of course really excited about it so my mom took me to go driving around town to test it out and see how it drove so I could get used to it. The first place we stopped was at the gas station where I pulled up to the pump perfectly fine and pumped gas by myself for the first time. Once we left the gas station we drove up to the car was and this is when things went wrong. As we were pulling into the car wash my mom was reminding me not to take too sharp of a turn and I was saying my usual “I know mom”, as soon as those words rolled off of my tongue my car was crunched up against the side of the pay machine. I panicked and started crying, I couldn’t even open the door and if I drove any further I would just damage it more. Once we had finally got the car out of the car wash (dented and scratched) my mom drive me to my boyfriends house which had been the plan all day long. As soon as he opened the door and saw me crying he knew something was wrong and of course he asks “What’s wrong?” which makes me cry even more. At this point I was feeling so overwhelmed and embarrassed that all I could think to do was hug him and hope everything would get better. He took action by comforting me and telling me that everything was going to be okay and that it wasn’t exactly the end of the world. Once I had finally calmed down he made me some of my favorite comfort food (Ramen noodles) and we spent the rest of the day just relaxing and goofing off. I am thankful that I have someone as amazing as him in my life to reassure me that things are going to be okay when they seem impossible to change. Me and him have made many memories over the years that we have known each other, some good, and some bad. I have another friend who has been through a lot of hard stuff in her personal life and has had to make many drastic changes in her life in a short period of time. I will always be there for her as she is always there for me through everything. I always let her know that I will always be there for her and I know that she’ll be there for me. One time that I have helped her is when we sat and just talked about all of the really hard stuff that she had been through. She has a mother who is in an on again off again relationship with a man that mentally and emotionally abuses her in front of her children. Before this time I had never seen her cry this bad and I had a hard time figuring out what to do. We talked for a while about an argument that her and her mother had that morning and what had went down. So basically my mom got a call from her school saying that she had to be admitted to St. Marys’ for punching a brick wall at school for being so upset with her mother. They had gotten into a fight about her mothers boyfriend and it got really heated. Things progressed as they screamed at each other and finally her mom reached over to pull at her hair viciously to which she reacted to by punching the dash board of the car. Once she got to school she was raging, crying, and overall frustrated with her life so she took out her anger the best way she knew how by punching the wall nearest to her. My mother had picked her up from the hospital later that day because she begged to not have to go home and see her mother and me and my mom had always been there for her and know her situation very well.I comforted him while she cried and reached out to me about her past struggles. In the end I saw a whole new side of her that I had never seen before and my eyes were opened a lot. I realized that no matter what I’ll always be there for her and I’m glad that she came to me with her problems because it made me feel special to her. No matter what it is I know that she will always tell me everything. We hold each others secrets like no other person and I know that no matter what we can always count on each other. She has helped me many times mentally when I was down and depressed and reminded me that things aren’t as bad as they may seem. She is always there with warm welcoming arms whenever I need a person to confide in and I know that she will never tell my secrets because she is the most respectful and responsible person that I know and I love her for that, and for always being my best friend.

Photo by Christine Schmitt on / CC BY-NC-ND


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