TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughing at the Hate

People do not realize the power of words and how they have the ability to change others. Whether that be with a positive outlook or the utmost negative perspective a person could have, it happens. The thing to remember is to know when to just let it go and move on with your life the same way you have been. I’ve learned to laugh at most things. I actually like to consider laughing at things one of my biggest strengths. I’ve noticed that my strength to laugh at the little things has really developed in high school.

High school is not an easy time in anyone’s life. No matter how much stress someone can put up with, or the amount of work loads a person can handle, high school is always a struggle. It is filled with people that may know you really well, or don’t really know you at all. But either way, words are spread around, it is just a part of high school.

I remember freshman year when I asked someone to homecoming and they said no. It seemed to be the only thing people would come up to me to talk about. The numerous stares and questions I got during that period of time was quite ridiculous. But, I wasn’t upset or angry about it. What did I do? I laughed. So what? a person said no. Oh no! That’s it. It’s done. I wasn’t any less of a person, I didn’t think any less of myself, and I sure was not about to let some questions and looks tear me down. I found it funny that the people in school had nothing better to do then to worry about the fact that a guy said no’ to me. Small talk like that in high school, is something people need to learn to laugh at. What happens when someone does laugh at small problems like that,is the people who try to make it effect you don’t know what to do. They realize it does not change you in any way and so the small talk stops.

There was another time during high school where anonymous apps were popular. It was another fad that was occurring just as a new fashion style would. I’m not the type of person to participate in anonymous apps, or “games” that kids play where you can choose to be anonymous or not; it is just bad news. Obviously the only thing that is going to happen when a bunch of high schoolers go anonymous is trash talk. It is a sad reality, but it is what it is. Well, I got a message one night from someone saying that someone said that I had the flattest butt in Oak Hill. Again, what did I do? I laughed. That’s hilarious, that someone actually thinks I care about how other people perceive me. Sorry that my body may not by the fairy tale you dreamed of, but I’m not sorry that you think I care. My ability to laugh at such petty talk is something I think it is important for people to have. A lot of people allow these types of comments to really drag them down. Minor circumstances such as these are ones that I’ve learned to laugh at. Cause again, it stops the talk. People don’t know what to do when their negative talk towards you is responded to with laughter.

While it may seem that I am only laughing to hide my true feelings in front of others, I’m not. Having the ability to slightly not care in life, makes it easier. Taking every single word someone says about you to heart, would tear a person down in a matter of time. But when you have this slight ‘I don’t actually care’ attitude, you learn to laugh instead. That laughter helps you to accept it, laugh at it, and move on. Not everyone is perfect, people are going to judge, and sometimes you just need to laugh.

People don’t know the strength that words have, but people don’t know the strength that laughter has either. It can brighten someone’s day and even stop yourself from getting dragged into the world of petty comments. There are always going to be things that have the ability to drag you down and cause problems, but sometimes the best way to overcome those things is to simply laugh. I’ve learned the importance that laughter has, and even though it might sound silly and be seen as ‘a way to hide my true feelings’ it helps. The soul really does need laughter and there needs to more of it in the world.

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  • nmoring19
    January 20, 2019 at 7:56 pm 

    This is exactly what I’ve been saying! As silly as it sounds, laughter is an important skill to have. I tend to laugh at problems much more slight than these ones you’ve listed, and I admire your self discipline to not lose your temper. How do you do it? I know you talk about laughter being the key, but even I’m not that good about laughing at things. It’s very mature of you to be able to deal with these problems the way that you do. Don’t let those haters bring you down!

  • mpollard19
    January 22, 2019 at 12:10 pm 

    Love this!! You don’t have to let other people bring you down just because life isn’t in their favor. If anything them trying to destroy you and bring you down should just pick you back up and make you feel better because all of what they are trying to say is wrong. You can just put a smile on your pretty face and watch them try and bring you down!

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