TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

My Car

I have had two cars already. The first car I had was horrible, the car I have now? Equally
as horrible. My first car I always had problems with. It was a purple 1996 Toyota Avalon.
What did it not have wrong with it? The steering wheel jiggled and was not supposed to,
the paint was messy, the tires always went flat, there was a hole to where I could not put
windshield washer fluid in my car and rearview mirror fell completely off the windshield.
I had that car for less than a year. The reason? I crashed it. The tires were so bald that
they just slid on thin snow.
Then I had no car, for about a month and a half. I was devastated it was
annoying. I had to take the bus all the time. Well except most days I would have my
boyfriend come pick me up. The mornings though, those were bad. Waking up an hour
earlier then I would normally have to do was awful considering school was already
rough to get up for anyways. Having to get rides to and from work, adjusting the
schedule was hard. Let’s just say my life was basically over without a car. It felt like all
my freedom was gone.
After that I got a car and it is a red/orange 2003 Chevy Monte Carlo. Sounds cool
right? In all honestly this car is horrible too. I used most of my savings to buy it. Then
when I built up my account a little a month later I had repairs. First off my gauges were
messed up so I never knew what speed or how much gas I had, I needed to get stuff for
the breaks, new tires, an alignment, fix the side skirts, and worst of all I have no radio.
What I do is listen to music through my phone. It’s horrible because I would love a nice
sounds system. I have had to go fix that car many times. With all the money I spent on
fixing it, if I add it up I have spent more money on fixing it then what I paid for it in the
first place. Its five hundred dollars here and five hundred dollars there. Having a car is
great, having to fix a car is a nightmare.
Every single time I have to get my car fixed I get angry. I do not want to waste
money on a car that I do not even want. Even though I have to drive something to get
around it is still annoying. When I get it fixed I rant, to my boyfriend a lot. He probably
gets annoyed and I feel bad. Then he will make a stupid comment about my car and we
will go back and forth saying everything that is wrong with it. Then I will just laugh about
it and wonder why I ever got this car. This happens everytime I fix it, I am very thankful
that I have an understanding boyfriend who will go through the same thing with me just
to make me feel better. Then at the end he will just say “see look at you, you’re just so
beautiful with a smile,” now that makes me laugh every time.
The moral of the story, my car is horrible and does not really work. I can not wait
till I can afford a new one. Especially seeing other people with all of these nice new cars
is especially hard. For example my boyfriend has a nice truck and a nice car. Two
vehicles that are honestly perfect. Then again he does take really good care of them
because he wants to be a mechanic so he knows how to do a lot of work on cars. He
has already saved me a lot of money with some fixes on my car. The only reason he can not do everything because he does not have a garage and all of the tools needed. Either
way having him laugh at my car with me makes me feel a lot better. Part of it is probably
because he always makes me smile anyways.

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  • msmith19
    January 20, 2019 at 1:10 pm 

    Your story of this car is similar to how life is. Well to some people anyway. Some times people just can’t get a break or have to deal with bad things because that’s all they have.

  • jstjohn19
    January 20, 2019 at 6:15 pm 

    I understand where your coming from the first car I owned was a ford ranger 2002 and was great for about 4 months until everything went wrong with it, it completely fell apart and I just didn’t have the time to mess with it. I worked and had school and other responsibilities to take care off sometimes your not lucky and sucks. There is no right or wrong option for a car you just need to get lucky unfortunately, unless you bought a new car.

  • agreen19
    January 20, 2019 at 6:28 pm 

    Even though I can’t connect to this story with cars I can connect to with to it with life itself. While connecting it to life itself I think about how everyone in life has rough patches in life and some times people can’t catch a break from anything bad but I’m glad that I read towards the end of the story that your boyfrined makes these times easier

  • hsalger19
    May 24, 2019 at 8:42 am 

    I remember when you crashed your first car. We were going to be meeting at the movies to watch “Pitch Perfect 3” and when you finally texted me back saying you were in accident my heart dropped, I immediately told Kaylei and then we drove to Applebee’s to tell Adam what happened. Even though you told us not to come over, we did anyways. We brought you your favorite ice cream (choc. chip cookie dough). <3 <3

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