TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Last year there was a large amount of talk about the senior year and what my friend and I were thinking about doing long term. Nothing was really coming up because well we suck at school, so why continue going to school? Why not do something that has a small amount of schooling and having a job with hard labor which we both enjoy. The friend needed to look at different topics first and compare which one was the best but nothing popped up it’s hard to see what you want to do with everything going on in life. We looked at each other and thought why not the military? It has a nice clean and organized structure. A structure that penetrates the mind of the weak and turns those into strong-minded and mature individuals. We got into contact with a recruiter and we met and I signed a lot of paperwork and I went to MEPS but there was one thing missing–my friend. My friend was still unsure about what exactly he wanted to do still because the military isn’t for everyone. My friend still had some interest in becoming an Airman, but still wasn’t sure how to get started with the process. I gave him some advice just think about where he saw himself in ten years would you be happy with taking a certain path or would he regret his decision with getting a desk job just sitting there doing paperwork all day would you really be happy? Sitting around doing nothing but just using the one thing I learned in college day to day doesn’t sound interesting to me at all because I enjoy a variety of things I couldn’t just be stuck doing one thing with some subtopics. I am unable to constantly do the same thing every single day I enjoy a challenge which he saw interesting showing others that your ability to do something and protecting everyone around you feels great. My friend saw this in his own mind when he thought about it and now he was fully ready to sign his life away to a greater purpose so I got him in contact with the correct people. My friend and I met the recruiter and he did a pretest, allowing him to see where he stands in certain subjects and how he needs to lose weight to reach this goal and not every goal is easy.

Photo by nelio filipe on / CC BY-NC-ND


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