TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Plowing Mishaps

     This past winter I had to spend a lot of time plowing my driveway. My dad travels a lot for work so he’s not always home to be here to plow the snow. I have to plow when he is not home and I started learning how to do it 2 winters ago. He taught me how to plow before I even had my license incase there was ever a situation he wasn’t home and we needed to be plowed out.
     Sometimes it can be very hard with the different type of snow we get to plow. The different types of snow make it harder to get trackshone to plow. It makes everything a whole lot worse when there is ice under the snow.
After a big snow storm, we had I was just about done and I was trying to make everything look good. I hadn’t realized that where I was about to plow was all ice under and that I would slide everywhere. My mom warned me before I went out to make sure I pay attention because there may be ice under the snow. Sure enough I pushed a little too hard on the gas and ran into my house pushing into a snowbank and sliding sideways into the basement door of my house. I had the window down and heard the door ripping out of the wood and the snow compacting. I back out and get out of the truck and slam the door shut. The worst part was when I got inside freaking out that I just broke the door my mom didn’t have a care in the world.
     When my dad got home and found out that I had broken the door he didn’t talk to me for a couple days. I had realized I had made the mistake of not telling him myself and waiting for him to find out when he got home from his business trip. I shouldn’t have waited and should’ve just told him. After a couple days when he calmed down we talked about and I apologized and so did he and we cleared out the snow and replaced the door.
The way to handle something when you know you’ve done something wrong is to own up to it. There’s so reason to wait and have someone find out instead of just letting them know. It’s easier for someone to find out when it happens then to wait and find out later.
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