TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


It was a snowy night around nine and my friend and I were hanging out at his house we were playing Xbox and we went into the hot tub.  It was a fun time. We were in the hot tub when is was snowing. It started snowing really bad so I decided to head back to my house. There was like three to six inches of snow on the ground by this point. The roads were really slippery.  I left before the roads got too bad. I thought It would be fine to get home.

I leave my friends house the roads are really slippery. I begin to drive and I start sliding all over the road.  I start to slow down and press on the breaks. I go around a sharp corner. My vehicle starts to shift to the right. I try slowing  down even more and turning the wheel the other way and the car jack knifes across the ride right into the ditch. Before the car went into the ditch I slid right into the ditch. It was like my car lost traction. I got out and I was very angry that I just put my car in a ditch.  At first I was worried about how I was going to get it out. I call my friend from the house I was just at and I told him I put my car in a ditch. He comes with a shovel and we try to get it out. It will not come out.

I decided to call my dad. By this time it was like ten o’clock and I was quit scared to hear what my dads reaction was going to be. He answers the phone and I say to him ” I’m in a ditch near my friends house on the same road his house is on”. He was very upset with me at first. He says to me ” how in the hell did you do that. You must have been going way to fast the roads are really slick.” he says it in kinda a harsh tone and kinda yells. I can understand why he was upset at me, I mean it was like ten o’clock during the work week. Who would want to go out in a snowstorm to tow a vehicle out and having to go to work at five thirty in the morning the next day so I understood why he would be mad at me. I waited about thirty minutes for my dad to come tow my car.  My dad arrives with his truck and my brothers with him. My brother gives me a dirty look like I am stupid or something. They start to tie up both the vehicles to tow my car out of the ditch. It only takes one try to pull the car out of the ditch. There is no damage to my car at all. I was so close to hitting a speed limit sign. I was about 5 feet from. If I would have hit the speed limit sign my car would have been damaged bad because was going kinda fast and it definitely would have left a scratch.

I begin to think what if this was someone else? I asked myself. I would think it would be funny to see a car in the ditch they way i put my car in the ditch. I begin laugh at my mistakes. My dad laughs also making the whole situation a whole lot funnier. In this situation laugher really helped me out alot. At first I was really upset that I just Put my car into A ditch. Then I thought well there is no damage to my car at all. I basically just slid off the road and I began to realize what I did was no big deal because accidents happen to the best of us. accidents happen you live and you learn and you look back on them as funny situations only if someone doesn’t get hurt.

Laughter is a great emotion. It really does help relieve stress in a stressful situation. It helps bad situations turn in to good situations.  In every bad situation you just have to think is it really that bad?

Photo by maranzina on / CC BY-NC


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1 Comment

  • gbergeron19
    January 23, 2019 at 4:51 pm 

    I very much enjoyed reading this, so first allow me to congratulate you on a splendid reading and thank you for the delve into the vast mind of Jayson Martin. As much as this kept my attention with the detail and action packed thrill your diction stimulated throughout me there are a bit of things I can try and offer a thoughtful thought. Watch out for repetition; when I was reading you kept saying ditch at the last word of a few sentences in a row. Other than that you really engrossed me with this piece and offered different perspectives on things and have a genuine way of thinking about life.

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