TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Don’t Worry Be Happy

Laughter is key when it comes to breaking the ice or smoothing over a difficult situation. It’s also the best recovery move when you completely embarrass yourself; why let people laugh at you when you can make them laugh with you? Laughter comes so easy to me, considering I am always telling the corniest jokes, or embarrassing myself. I have come across some situations where I had to laugh in order make things better. There are now times in which I can now look back on and laugh at. As an athlete, I find myself dependent on these moments of laughter. The game of basketball and softball constantly shifts from good to bad; at least from my perspective it does. I tend to get frustrated over the littlest things. I use to get discouraged so quickly my freshman and sophomore year, but I have made progress in keeping my attitude up.

Our school basketball team this year, has been doing an incredible job. As of right now our team is undefeated; the record being 9-0. It wasn’t until the biggest game of the season did I realize that in some cases all you can do is laugh it off. We played a team that was also undefeated; Our team had been preparing for this game for two weeks. The stands were packed, A college coach was there, and the news. My nerves were through the roof, and my heart felt as though it would come out of my chest. I have been a starter for varsity since freshman year, so I started tonight’s game. What I had thought was the worst game, was actually one of the best!

Three minutes into the first quarter of the game I had two fouls! In basketball you are only allowed five fouls throughout the entire game. If an athlete were to receive five fouls they would be out of the game. So like any coach, he sat me that way I wouldn’t pick up any more. I remember being so angry and frustrated with myself, but I ran off the court with a smile. In those moments, I usually end up pouting or even becoming angry at other people. Yet, I realized that it was out of my control. All I could do was support my team and cheer them on. Which was not hard for us to do! Our bench must have been the rowdiest I had ever seen! In addition, the team was doing so well. In that moment, the fouls and even the fact that I was not playing was no longer making me upset. I was so overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude. I loved watching my team go all out and succeed. The best part about it too was that my team was so supportive, and kept me encouraged as well. I ended up getting four fouls in that game, so I really did not play that much. Although it gave me the chance to understand that whenever life tries to get me done, I need to answer with a smile.

So even though I did not have many points or blocked a lot of shots; I came to an understanding of how to truly keep going when the times get tough. Being able to watch and cheer my teammate on that night was one of the most rewarding times for me as an athlete. We ended up winning by over 20 points. Our locker room was very ecstatic, even our coach could barely contain the excitement he had for us! At the end of the game, the Central Maine Community Coach approached me. We talked about the game, and one of the things he said to me was, “I was waiting for you to get down and begin to pout, BUT you didn’t and it was a great site to see.” In that moment, I was so happy because I finally felt relieved. I have come to accept the fact that I do get down on myself and I allow it to affect my playing. Although since that game, and with all the encouragement from teammates, coaches, and parents; I realized I can only move on and try to do better with a smile. When it comes to sports I will continue to use laughter or a smile in order to get me through tough situations. I know that by doing this I will only get better as a player, and enjoy the game even more.

Photo by Dave Maher


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1 Comment

  • owashburn19
    January 24, 2019 at 2:41 pm 

    You’re awesome! Your ability to push through with a smile and encourage others really shows who you are as a person, I strive to be like this everyday!

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