TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Falling with Laughter

It was a brisk fall day I was headed to school feeling a little down that morning so I went into A.P Bio hoping it would get better.  A.P Bio went by super slow that day, mind you its two periods instead of one. Finally, anatomy class rolls around. I knew this would be a fun class because I have a lot of friends in anatomy.  One of my friends sits next to me and we share a table. She’s the craziest one of the bunch. So you know how there’s always that one kid with either a huge obnoxious but funny laugh or that kid that just can’t stay still or even that kid that will always see how far the can tip back in their chair without falling, well she’s all of that combined.  We were in anatomy just like every other day taking notes, participating in labs, coloring our muscle color plates. Our teacher was walking around the room like normal, checking on students and how they we are doing with their work. I have my headphones in because I did not really want to talk to anyone that day, plus I had a pounding headache, one of the headaches where you just wanted to be in a room by yourself.  I was focused on my coloring and by focused I mean like dead brain focused because it was like I mentally was not there.

 All of a sudden the table jerks forward, only slightly though.  I turned my music down just a little bit to hear what was happening.  Out of the corner of my eye I see hands flailing around next to me trying to grab onto something, anything, while the words “oh sh*t” come out of her mouth repeatedly and very loudly might I add.  Then BANG! I turn around to see her hair under the table and my friend laying on ground dying with laughter. Our teacher heards the bang from the other side of the room and runs over saying “are you okay?” repeatedly.  She helps my friend up and she is okay, her head had just missed the table. Our teacher is worried but we just can not stop laughing.

And to this day we still laugh about it every single time someone says what she said when she was falling.  On a chilly winter day me and the same friend that fell were in a completely different class with a different teacher and one of our other friends was in there too, we were in economics doing out work that we hated oh so much.  In those room are super comfortable soft swirly chairs that you can lean pretty far back in. They are the type of chairs that if you went into a store like staples they have a bunch of them out back and you just want to try every one of them.  They are also that type of chair that everyone fights over if there are not a lot of them.

So we are in economics doing our much hated work that no one understands how to do.  Most of the time if you look around people are spinning or rocking in their chairs. My other friend was rocking in his chair and me and my other friend were watching him betting on if he was going to fall or catch himself.  All of a sudden he was rocking and BAM! Down he goes!! Me and my friend start cracking up so much we could not stop laughing.

So many people now a days people just laugh when they think it is socially acceptable to laugh at something but honestly laugh whenever you want even if it is not the right time.  Just obviously do not laugh when someone is hurt or something. Laughing is the best thing for you emotionally and mentally, it will make you a lot happier and over all a better person.

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  • agoulet19
    January 29, 2019 at 4:30 pm 

    Why is that we laugh at other peoples mistake or pain? But it is always the greatest laugh when you know that a friend is about to do something stupid and you can predict it like seeing that kid tip back in his chair. That was super funny but must have been embarrassing for them. I do the something when I see people walking on ice I hope they fall cause it would be funny but it would be horrible and super embarrassing.

  • aparent19
    February 11, 2019 at 10:39 pm 

    You are truly right, that laughing is truly the best thing for you emotionally and mentally. I myself understand where you are coming from when you said they you didn’t feel like talking to anyone. Everyone has those days, but if you can find something small to laugh at make your day better, than that is always a positive thing, especially when you can look back and laugh at it all some more like it just happened yesterday!

  • hsalger19
    April 11, 2019 at 7:53 pm 

    I can’t remember a time where you haven’t laughed at me for something, whether it was me tripping on my own feet, falling up the stairs or just being plain clumsy, You have made sure that I will never live down any of those moments but there are some that you might not be able live down either. Either way laughing at other people can be relaxing sometimes.

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