TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Fortunate Misfortune

I am going to begin this story with this, listen to your parents advice because they usually have a good idea what they are talking about. This being said, this is where the story starts. It was a brisk Saturday afternoon and our senior football game had just come to an end. We had played a tough game and come up just short on the scoreboard. Even though we had lost , the overall team morale was fairly positive. Many of us had made plans to go out that night together or otherwise. My plans happened to be with my friend, Kirstin and one of her friends. We had planned to go out to eat, then go to the movies at the flagship cinemas, then go visit with her dad and step-mom. Well, this is where this story takes an awful turn. First, we had stopped at Bullmoose in Lewiston to look for an aux input for my car. We did not have any luck finding one at Bullmoose and when we returned to my car I realized I had locked my keys inside of it. I began to get frustrated because of the fact that I had done that and then subtly began to laugh. Not that it was necessarily funny that I had locked the keys in my car , but that it was an honest mistake and I could not help  but chuckle a bit. eventually I figured out that the trunk was unlocked and so Kirstin’s friend climbed through the car to unlock the doors for us. We all shared a good laugh about her climbing through the car. After this quick little detour of our time we decided to go and get something to eat at Arby’s. Everything went fine there and we promptly left in order to get a ticket for our movie. This is where another laughable situation happened, Kirstin’s mother had told us to go to the theater and buy our tickets or order them ahead of time to make sure that we got a ticket. Well, I’m sure the rest you can figure out. We arrived at the theater only to find that the movie had sold out. The three people right in front of us in line had purchased the last three tickets. A real slap in the face to be honest. To know that if we had arrived even three minutes earlier that we would have been fine. This also caused us to laugh it off. Knowing that her mom was right and knowing how close we were to getting tickets just further added to the ability to laugh it off. I ended up buying popcorn because even though we were not going to be able to see the movie Kirstin still wanted popcorn. It was rather funny going to a theater to basically just get popcorn. It gave us a good laugh , but it also gave us the dilemma of what to do. We decided to go up to Wallingford’s farm early and just to visit with her dad and step-mom longer. We ended up going and feeding the animals there with her little siblings and just talking and explaining our prior events outcomes to her parents. It was quite a riot to see the looks on her parents faces as we explained our misfortunes. It was rather funny to talk it all back over. However, the night did not end on a bad note. We had still had time to waste until she had to be home so we decided to go on the haunted walk at Wallingford’s. It was a very long wait , but definitely worth it. The entire time waiting Kirstin talked about how scared she was going to be on the walk. We fortunately got put into a good group with a funny family who made the walk a very enjoyable experience. They joked and screamed with us all the way through until the end. At the end of the walked we thanked them for being so  welcoming of us and for allowing us to go with them in their group. Overall, it was a fairly good night that allowed for us to laugh at ourselves and each other for the simple mistakes we had made. It still gives us memories to laugh and joke about with each other. I am definitely glad that, that night happened and that those memories will forever be a part of my life.

Photo by Fotografik33 – on / CC BY-NC-ND


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