TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Keeping Track of my Friends

Today was the day that I finally get the paper back which determines if I get into the class I was dreaming of getting into for about a year. I got in and I was ecstatic. The day got closer to orientation where I would get to find out if I knew anyone in my class or not. I was kind of excited and nervous at the same time. Then the day finally comes. No one from my school was in my class. My teacher read off the list of kids that are in the class and I recognized a name. It was my friend’s boyfriend. I got to know him a little bit over the summer but not too well. Then the day came, the first day of LRTC. I was really nervous because I only knew one person in the class and barely ever talked to him. It didn’t help that the first day we had to get pictures taken so I was an hour late and there was only one spot to sit and it wasn’t near anyone I knew. Everyone else in that class at least had someone from their school to talk to while I had no one. About a month went by when I finally was talking and got to know a friend in the class (my friend’s boyfriend). Then, a couple weeks later my friend decided to break up with him which again left me with no friends because it was really weird for both of us. Then a couple of months went by and I got to know more people because we had group projects to do. We started our sheds that we built from scratch and that’s when it all started.
For the group projects, I got to pick the groups so I obviously put myself in a group with people that I actually like. We were a few days in on doing the floor frame when I was hammering in a nail to put up the string line when a kid yelled “good job Shy” which made me jump and I hit my hand. So I stopped hammering and asked my teacher to go to the bathroom. When I got there it was throbbing and it hurt really bad. I have a high tolerance for pain so I wasn’t crying, but it really hurt. At first I wasn’t going to tell my teacher because I didn’t want to be the first person to hit their hand with a hammer but then it wouldn’t stop bleeding in the bathroom so I went back to class and told my teacher. He was very surprised that I wasn’t cry or freaking out. He made me go to the nurse and get ice which I didn’t want to do but he made me. My teacher tells us at the beginning of each day what he expects us to get done and it has to get done by the end of the day so we are on track for when the due date comes to pick the sheds up. With me gone that goal wouldn’t have gotten accomplished if it wasn’t for a good friend of mine. We get along really well because we both know what we were doing and are hard workers while the other kids in my group liked to fool around and not get stuff done. So I was really worried that we would fall behind and we had the biggest shed out of the three so it would take us longer to do stuff. Anyways my friend stepped up to the plate and fished what I was supposed to get done and finished what he needed to get done. He helped me out a lot and helped out the rest of the group as well. My mom took me to the emergency room that night because she wanted to know if anything was broken to make sure it would be taken care of. The whole time I was there, bored out of my mind, he was checking in on me and snapchatting me to see how I was doing and it really helped the time I was there go by quicker. My hand was fine and I just had to take it easy in that class for a few weeks until my hand was completely recovered. Those classes when I couldn’t give it my all, he helped me the best to his ability which made the classes so much better. The end of the first year comes around and our sheds were not done yet, but we were still on track to get them done on time. We would have to finish them our second year.
Vacation is over and it is our last year of the class. We had to get the sheds complete because the due date for them were coming up quick. My good friend that was in my group that helped me was in football. He had a big game against Portland that weekend. I usually went to a couple of his games to support the team, but that game I wasn’t able to make it. That was the game that made his life a little difficult for the next couple months. I go onto snapchat and see that he posted something on his story. So I go and look at it and it was a picture of him laying in a hospital bed with his leg supported. My stomach dropped so I instantly texted him to see if he was okay and he told me that they don’t know if he has a really bad sprain or if he broke something. So I told him to keep me updated which he did. I got a text back saying that he had a dislocated ankle joint, a broken leg and has to have ligament repairs. I felt so bad for him. We had class the following Monday and everyone was wondering where he was. The two kids that are in his school told everyone and they were all in shock. He started to show up to class a few days later, but he couldn’t drive because he broke his right foot so his mom or his friends had to pick him up and drive him there. That was when I knew I had to help him just like he helped me. No, mine isn’t as bad as his but he still helped me through it and I did just the same to him. I started to take control of my group and we got done the shed on time. He was really upset that he wasn’t able to finish the shed but was happy that I stepped up and took his place and finished it. I felt really bad for him because he would just sit there and it was really cold out but he still wanted to be outside watching and learning the stuff we were doing so he wasn’t missing out.
We are now both fine but he still has to go to physical therapy for his leg but he is able to walk on it. Now we help out each other all the time because we are making tables for our classroom together because we are the only two kids in the class that my teacher trusts to make them. Also, now I am friends with everyone in the class so that’s no longer an issue. But friends like him you need in your everyday life to just make things a lot better. We both brighten up each others day by joking around with each other and always having a good time while getting stuff done. A day has not gone by in that class where I left being mad or disappointed about something that happened. That class makes me want to go to school everyday because it is a great environment.

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