TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughter Amongst The Failure

Every time I struggle I go down many paths to speak up and get help to complete what needs to be done and on time. geometry made my life a living Hell. it was as if the devil had personally come for me to destroy my every likeness. Every test was like limbs getting yanked off as I was poked and prodded by an electric cow prod for answers I didn’t know. Geometry was the time where laughter sometimes even cannot come to the rescue until its nervous laughter of a broken sobbing mind. Laughter to hold back real sad frustrated tears. The pain experienced as you are told you have to have the assignments done or else you fail miserably and lose out on activities that you wanna do.

When I struggle with math I find laughter helps me through each problem and struggles. It’s important to find laughter in things that you may struggle with. For example, for me, I have a hard time with math but others have a hard time with English sciences social studies and many works and family settings. When you have struggled in life finding laughter helps make things much easier overall. When you put laughter into your day it makes everything better overall and it boosts your endorphins. Math is a tough subject for me and I have struggled with it for a long time. I joke and include laughter in trying to complete tests and quizzes I failed multiple times.

you get to a point where you just want to fail. you want to jump into that fire river of savior or the rivers of lost souls where you can just disappear into thin air where no one can find you. to hold yourself to a low standard because you have simply just given up. there is no god in geometry prayers never helped just the devil himself standing over you and begging you for answers that aren’t coming or even there. you beg and beg for help and get ignored like you are wearing an invisible cloak hiding you from the world walking like a spirit in the math class the useless devilish class. the living hell you have to deal with for a year. That is if you even pass. A year after failure you get that pain of getting stabbed with the devil’s pitchfork when you have to redo the course to move on because Even through that everything that is done in math class is supposedly setting me up for my future in college or in life in general. reality is it is hellish while stuck doing it. That’s where my jokes and laughter come in to help me through it. When I am working hard the harder I struggle and the harder I work on it the more jokes that are thrown and the more laughter that is formed. It seems that laughter helps everyone through tough situations and helps them push through it.

Every situation that laughter is included in becoming so much better as they continue on with laughter included in it. I enjoy situations a lot more when laughter is present. Each break out of laughter I have helps. Sometimes laughter can help me solve math equations. It can also help with calming my anger and anxiety. Laughter can help a lot of hard situations and make them much better. Some situations that are tough include death, depressing situations, uncomfortable situations and many more. But laughter can affect each and every situation differently. It can be a negative effect or a positive affect like in my math situation it is a very positive effect for me and my math teachers. But for example, if I laughed at a funeral it may have a very negative effect on the family and friends of the decedent. They would either kick me out or they would get angry at me and I would have definitely made the guests very upset. But in most situations, laughter is very helpful like in my math situation.



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1 Comment

  • rgilbert19
    May 3, 2019 at 9:21 am 

    I’m glad that you can have a laugh out of math. But to be honest your story was a roller coaster going from fun to depressing back and forth. I hated geometry too but I never could laugh about I just got stressed. Geometry is so confusing.

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