TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Maybe Not Our best idea

It started out as any other monday except this week was the beginning of hell. I tried to wake my best friend up at 5:30 a.m like she told me to the night before and of course she didn’t wake up until 6:27 a.m, 3 minutes before we planned on leaving. To go get our morning breakfast to get us through the long day. Thinking about it now, maybe coffee was not the best idea, I take that back, the second coffee was definitely a bad idea, though it was free. I sat painfully in my classes about to fall asleep, wanting to yank my hair out over the stress of trying to finish english for the semester. We had planned on staying after school together to get some help on our english work from Mrs. Chick. Then we came up with the smart idea of going to dunkin again, and going to my house to get all of our english work completely down before friday.

After leaving school and heading over to dunkin we had created our plan of ordering dinner picking it up and meeting each other at my house to get our lists of work done. I now know that mixing together coffee, best friends and late nights was probably our worst idea yet, but we still continue to do so anyway. We got to my house at 4:45ish so I ordered our chicken tenders and went to pick them up. We then ate and started on our list of english work completing a couple items off of our motivated list. After a little while of getting work done and our second coffee hitting us we got distracted and started pranking our other friends. We then couldn’t get any more work done seeings how we were now hyper and couldn’t focus. We now realize that staying up till 11 was a bad idea and so was the two coffees. But know we can look back at this moment and laugh at how dumb we are and pushing off english work till the last minute and laugh because we are now pashing senior year semester one.

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  • spessant19
    March 28, 2019 at 11:18 pm 

    This is exactly what happens to me sometimes. I say that I’m going to get work done, then I always get distracted and hyper. I like how you say that it’s a bad idea but still do it because it’s much more fun. I’m glad that you passed the first semester of senior year and wish you luck for the last semester!

  • aparent19
    April 1, 2019 at 9:25 pm 

    I have to say, after reading your post I have to give you some credit on getting some work done off your list. If this was me, and my friend trying to complete any work that we might have had I can’t say that i would be able to do one thing. I am not one of those people who can sit around and do homework with people because I get very distracted and will say forget it and procrastinate a little longer. But as seniors we have no room for procrastination!

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