TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Savior

A few years ago, my friend Kobe decided to ask me if I wanted to help him clean up or set up his camp for the impending summer. I graciously said yes and ventured out to the town of Turner where the Family camp was located. When I arrived to the camp my friend Kobe’s parents were carrying trash and old musty couches out of the cabin. I, of course, began the helping process. and helped Dave Kobe’s stepdad carry the couch onto the trailer. We Then began to sweep and pick up the majority of the trash lying around and also throw it into the trailer. For me, it felt good helping Kobe’s parents because they are like a second family and I always had appreciated some of the things they had done for me. Me, Kobe and dave then traveled to the dump in turner to drop off the trash and other items when out of nowhere the trailer pops and the couch rolls of onto dave’s foot. I and Kobe ran over to assist and pull the couch off of his foot it looked painful, to say the least, but we saved Dave from the misery of any broken bones or rust in his foot. Throughout the cleaning process to get ready for the next season of camp to start me, Kobe and Dave had to make multiple trips back and forth to clean most of the junk and unseasonal products away. As we continued cleaning for over an hour or too the camp really started to come together and almost looked ready for a new summer season of fun and relaxation. When we had finally finished cleaning up the camp and all the junk around it we then jumped in the water regardless of how cold it was and had a great night that I will remember forever.

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  • jwalker19
    January 26, 2019 at 5:53 pm 

    Awesome story, really liked how we see the transformation of the camp through your writing, whereas we started off with a dirty camp, but after the combined efforts and struggles of you all the camp really started coming together. Overall really cool story, and an also really nice act of friendship to go and help them out.

  • jbrooks19
    May 23, 2019 at 1:33 pm 

    Sometimes it’s the simple things that have the biggest impact on us. Simple things can be a lot of hard work and they create this imprint on you forever and you can always look back at them and create a story from them for your future children.

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