TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Friends really matter

Friends, what are friends why do we have them do we even need them? Friends are important to most if not all relationships because friends are there to help you and to  be there to do fun things and just chill out. I also have asked some people about their friends and one person who wanted to be called Ricky Bobby and he said that his friend are really important to him and they do help him. He said if he did not have friends he would be really depressed and sad all the time. He also said that he was friends with a lot of people that he can really talk to. He said that he was friends with most of his grade. As for me I am not really that close to many people. I have a lot of friends but no one that i would ask to talk to or chose to talk with about personal things and life. For me i say that i have 2 or 3 close friends that i talk to about everything. But i do currently help as many people as i can. For example this year for 2 of my better friends wanted to come and help out at their senior project. The first was Molly and her softball fundraiser. Me and her have always been close because of softball. She is a pitch and I am a catcher so we get along, but anyway her senior project was for 3 weekends and she was doing a softball clinic. So she asked me if i could help her out and help give demonstrations. I obviously said yes but i could only make 2 of the 3 clinics. The first clinic I went to I was actually on time for it and I am usually always late , but I wanted to make sure that she could trust me. And unfortunately though her softball clinics did not go as well as she and I thought. There was only 3 girls that showed up the first time and there was more instructors than kids. But everyone still had fun. On the second week no one even showed up until 9 and it started at 8 so everyone was just playing around because thats all we could do when there was no kids to coach. And the third week when i was not there, there was 3 kids that showed up. I was upset for her fundraiser not going that well i was hoping that it would have been a hit with all the softball kids. And for the second friend that I helped out for their senior project was Zoe and her wrestling match that she set up. She wanted to know if i could just come to watch and support but i wanted to help out as much as i could. So when i got there i took pictures of everything so that she could put them in her slideshow for her project. And i made sure i stayed late so i could help with the clean up and help with rolling up the mats because i know from previously wrestling with her that it takes a few people.  I have helped more than just these two but i chose to write about these two because it was most recent big events. People and friends help me too. Just a few weeks ago someone at dunkin had payed for my order at the drive through which was just a random act of kindness but it helped my because i saved money and it put me in a good mood for the rest of the day. Other times friends or people have helped me is for my senior project and my hair donations. I have had almost 10 people from school that have donated their hair including teachers. Witch i am really happy about because i really want to spread awareness for alopecia and other things that cause hair loss and how many people it actually affects. I am really thankful for every single person that donated their hair to me because it is something that acutely means something. My real friends have helped me during my hard times by just talking to me and being able to say that things will get better and that they have been in similar situations. One of my best friends that goes to Oxford hills now will talk to me when ever i need it no what time of day or what he is doing. And we have stayed friends ever since he has left this school district in 2011 in 4th grade. Friends are very important to have in your life because they can help you out with so much for you and make you feel better, and you will feel good to by helping them out too.

Photo by @Doug88888 on / CC BY-NC-SA


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  • mkoch19
    January 28, 2019 at 9:11 am 

    Having friends is necessary. I have learned from personal experience by shutting out friends that i really could trust and that would help me and hanging with the wrong crew. I now have the friends that would always be there for me and have had unconditional love and support. i completely agree with the fact that if you dont have at least some friends you will be lonely or depressed. i went through a time when i had no one and i felt lost alone and like nothing would be able to help. then i came to realize that friends really are necessary. keep an eye out for the friends that matter.

  • cburns19
    January 31, 2019 at 12:46 pm 

    Friends are definitely necessary. Personally I have not had the chance to make a whole lot of friends while I was very young. But nowadays I am so glad I that i am blessed to know that I have several friends. Without friends I doubt that I would be the same person that am now in terms of how happy i am most of the time. I’ll be honest its hard to see friends leave but its even better when you make new ones that you can trust.

  • agreen19
    May 3, 2019 at 9:26 am 

    Everyone needs friends in their lives because without friends I personally think life would suck, because then who else would be there to listen to personal problems. I personally know that if I didn’t have friends in my life I wouldn’t be where I am in life today.

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