TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Procrastination! At the end of each school year, I’ve been asked what I wish I could change about that school year. Each year I say I am not going to procrastinate.

Somehow, though each year I continue to procrastinate. I don’t know why I do it. I don’t really want to do it. I start each school year with good intentions, not to do it, but yet here we are senior year & I’m still procrastinating. I really wish I could figure out why I do it so I could change it. If I could figure out how to change it I would. My procrastinating consists of me just sitting there and looking at my laptop screen and not doing anything. I also have a really bad memory so by the time I get home and start working I completely forget what my teacher has told me to so I do not do it because I’m confused. My procrastinating causes lots of problems at home and at school. At home, I lose privileges This year I even lost my car after only one week of having my license because I was behind in English. It would also be nice not to have to listen to my mom and Dad nag me every day about whether or not I’ve done my work. At school, I have lost privileges too. I really enjoy culinarily & was excited to get into culinary III, but had to withdraw from that class to focus on English. I’m hoping to get caught up soon so I can get back into culinary III.

In the future, I hope that I can continue to stay on track and complete my work on time. After I graduate I plan to head off to college and I’m sure if I procrastinate there it is going to be even harder to catch up. I also hope that some other students can learn from my mistakes of procrastinating because it just causes more problems, so if future students can stay caught up and use all of their time effectively they will have no worries. So I am hoping that I have FINALLY learned MY lesson, continue to improve and never procrastinate again.

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