TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


There were many times where a friend helped me and when I helped a friend out. One of the most memorable moments for me is when my buddy blew the clutch in his go cart. This was fun and interesting time for all of my friends. We were planning on going riding for like two weeks, a bunch of my friends from school that have four wheelers like to go out and ride and have a fun time. I use to go four wheeling alot when I was young, it was what I liked to do on my free time,  We plan it out and we were just waiting waiting for his go cart to be fixed. finally it was fixed and ready to tear up the trails.

My friend just got the new clutch in his go cart that he has been waiting two weeks for, he installed the clutch the day before we go riding. We were all excited because his go cart was finally fixed and ready to hit to trails  it was a cold rainy day. We have been riding all day and were having a great time with no issues at all. We notice it started to sound funny. So we kept driving it around with no issues at all, we think it will be good to farther is the woods .  We decide to go on one list ride all the way down to the brooke and back. It was later in the day around five or six o’clock. So we go all the way down these big hills. Far from his house. We did not think anything of it since it was a brand new clutch and thought it would be fine. sure enough the engine just stopped cause the clutch blew. My friend did not think it would go that considering it was a brand new clutch. My friend, who knows alot about motors was shocked that the clutch went.

At the time I was 12 young not knowing quit what to do . I had my small four wheeler and I did not think my four wheeler was capable of towing his go cart up all the huge hills. So I decided I have to help him he’s like my best friend, I could not just leave him there. we ran up to his house  to get the tow straps. The whole time I was worried about myself running out of gas. So we get down to the part where the go cart is broken down. We hook it up and we start to go. There was this one tight corner the I knew he would get stuck going around, witch he did. Eventually we got him out and we go back to his house. My friend said to me ” thank you for the help means alot you are a real friend”. I said back to ” that is what friends do i’m here for all friends that need help especially in tight situations.”

My buddies and I went four wheeling so much when we were younger. There was a time my four wheeler broke down right in the middle of the woods, it happens to everyone it is apart of what a happens out on the  trails there rough and rugged terrain. It was a hot summer day, the sun was shining and theses was not a single cloud in the sky. It was an absolute gorgeous day out until my fourwheeler randomly just died in the middle of the woods. I was very stressed not knowing what do.  We could not get it to started to move it . My friend said to me ” we will figure it out we will get it out of here, you will be safe and sound.” I say back ” I hope so, i hope we can get this thing out of here. ” I was worried this has never happened to me before. Carson, my friend I was with helped me out alot by calling his neighbor who has a huge four wheeler that was capable of towing me out of there. Carson’s four wheeler was also not running the best so it was not capable of towing my four wheeler all the way up big the big hills we went down. I waited there for about 30 mins for my friend and his buddy to come tow me back. i was frosted cause my four wheeler broke down. sometimes in these situations is get pretty stressful.All i wanted to do was have  fun and go riding for the day without issues.

His friend, who was his neighbor came all the way out into the woods to give me a tow back to where I could get it on the trailer. he towed me back with no issues. We were pretty far out in the woods, I thanked him because I did not want to sit out in the hot summer woods all day with a broken four wheeler. we get back to my buddies house and we get my fourwheeler on the trailer. I call my dad to come get the broken four wheeler. Luckily this has happened early in the day so we could go back to my house to get my other four wheeler. The day was not over I got my other four wheeler and we went  back out on the trails. That day was eventful having to get my broken four wheeler out of the woods to having to go all the way back to my house to get the other four wheeler.

Four Wheeling is a very fun hobby to get into. Accidents do happen. Machines break down all the time it is part of the fun. There is always a way out. A friend or someone will always be there to help you figure the way out. Going four wheeling makes so many fun memories with a lot of great people that last a lifetime. Four Wheeling is a hobby that I can continue outside of high school with my friends that is fun and gets the adrenaline going.

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