TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Procrastinating has Negative Effects

A big mistake of mine is constantly procrastinating. It has been a problem for me for as long as I can remember and still continues to be one sometimes.         Because of my procrastination, I ended up having to go to summer school for about a week. The entire time there, I was completely miserable and hating myself for not getting my work done sooner and on time when I had first received it. If I would have been more responsible with my work and gotten it finished when assigned, I would have saved myself from summer school. Procrastinating doesn’t save me from doing the work, it just means that I’ll end up doing the same exact work at a later time. Another problem on top of procrastination is that now, I have a lot more work to complete all at once. The longer that I put off my work, the more work I would get assigned, and it would keep on piling up. All of this work would lead to me either staying up all night trying to complete it, or picking and choosing which classes I decided I would finish during summer school. I would almost always be failing classes because I never got any of my work done. I always told myself that it’s not that much work and I would be able to finish it whenever I wanted to. Because I thought this, I was never stressed about failing and I “knew” that I would be able to catch up and complete everything that was needed to be done. Of course this was never the case, and I ended up rushing to do all of my work and still not get all of it done on time. Procrastinating can only hurt you and will never help you out. I learned this the hard way, but sometimes I still continue to do so even though I realize that I am only hurting myself by doing so.

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  • mdevoe19
    January 23, 2019 at 8:12 pm 

    I can really relate to this; I don’t know what it is but putting off school work is something I do every semester for no reason. This is a great topic that a lot of students can understand because they have all procrastinated in some way, and know the stress it causes.

  • mkoch19
    January 25, 2019 at 10:33 am 

    I believe that we have all had an experience with procrastination. I know i have. I always procrastinate rather than doing it on time and it puts a huge and stressful burden on me that I know I could have avoided. Most high schoolers are known to procrastinate due to outside activities, friends or just being tired. we all think that we can just ¨catch up¨ without a problem and create bigger issues for ourselves. If we all just had the mindset of getting it done on time things would be much easier on us, but unfortunately it is hard to get out of the habit of procrastinating.

  • agoulet19
    January 29, 2019 at 5:34 pm 

    I believe that getting your work done on time is not only beneficial for you but also friends around you so you can spend time with them and have great moments and laugh. I have done waiting till the last minute for four years now and I’m paying by doing three englishes I regret what I’ve done and wish to change.

  • ocavanagh19
    May 23, 2019 at 4:43 pm 

    Mistakes happen and we learn from them. I too procrastinate quite a bit and I have learned from it like you. It is good that you realize the mistake, it will give to a chance to improve, and it could possibly help you in the future even in college or a job you might have.

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