TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Uh… haha

laughter is one important part of life. It does not matter whether or not if your laughing at something good or something bad. you might be wondering how can laughing at something bad be good. But laughing can and will make you happier because your body releases good hormones when you laugh and that will obviously make you happy. I often use laughter to make me feel better in my hard times, because i am good at making jokes ( at the wrong time).  so when i was 5 years old and first knew about alopecia i asked my mom if i could sleep longer in the morning before school, and if i could watch more cartoons because she won’t have to do my hair any more if i was bald. so that was my first joke about alopecia but i was 5 so things were easy then. But know with my recent hair loss being a teenager is hard enough but being a bald teenage girl is even harder obviously. But i can still get away without buying shampoo and conditioner because i do not have hair. I can also laugh at when i do wear my wig because unlike most people i can style the back of my hair and see what is looks like without using a mirror or taking a picture. It’s nice to be able to laugh about things that are sad because it is not good for you to be sad all the time, because that will lead to depression and further problems. And with me being able to laugh about this makes my mom feel better to because i know that she is stressed out and worried about me, so as much that i can take off of her shoulders the better she will be too. So laughter helps more than just you. And for me at least it made makes me get over things quicker just by laughing. And for anyone else going through the same problems you can also make them feel better because they know it might be as bad as they think or that it will get better. Just takes the right attitude. Laughing may or may not be the answer through the bad times .it does not work of everyone because people are different.  

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1 Comment

  • adeslauriers19
    January 24, 2019 at 2:10 pm 

    I really like the way you handle life’s curve balls when they get thrown at you. Not everyone can just say welp and move on. Many people would be completely distraught without hair, I know I would.

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