TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Friends in trouble

So it’s about 1:00 in the morning, I’m sleeping at my house, and one of my friends is over sleeping on the futon that is parallel and horizontal to my bed. We fell asleep after a long day of snowmobiling and adventuring with all of our friends that snowmobile together. So keep in mind that we’re pretty exhausted from the whole day before us. I wake up to the sound of a phone ringing, it’s coming from across my room and it’s my friends. A moment after I pick my head up and look to where the source of the ringing is coming from I see my friends head jolt up and look around confused. Then after a few seconds he grabs his phone and looks at it with the same confused face as if thinking, “who the heck is calling me right now?” He answers the phone and I don’t ask who it is but he still looks a little confused and then he talks and he doesn’t seem too happy. I remember him saying something like, “there’s nothing you can do?”, and “It’s 1:00 in the morning I’m going back to sleep.” But after disputing for a minute or so he gets up and puts some clothes on, he fills me in on the situation and I get ready we get in his jeep and head to the high school.

We’re driving down the road and there is a thin layer of snow across the ground and a light sprinkle of snow falling from the big clouds in the sky. We get to the high school and see three of our other friends in one of their mom’s cars that they stole to go drifting, the car is in an embankment stuck and won’t come out. Apparently they were drifting and the one driving turned to drift into the embankment for some odd reason, he can be a bit slow at times, and they got stuck. We had to come to pull them out of where they were stuck. We get out our ropes and everything we need to hook their car up to the one we took, we get it all set and we start pulling. After just a few tries the car comes out no problem and we go home.

We get home and we’re talking about the whole situation and everything that just happened and they tell us a cop actually came and had them call us to get them out. He wasn’t mad at all apparently and wanted to make sure everyone was being safe and was okay and not under the influence of any drugs. I guess leaving he even drifting out of the parking lot and we were all laughing and thinking how sick that was that a cop was that cool and just did that.

I have also been helped in a very similar situation myself, except this time, it’s summer time. I have a 2001 volkswagen jetta, five speed, and I’m driving to my friends like I usually do because we hangout like every single day. It’s a normal warm hot summer day and we have the windows down blasting some music and just soaking up the freedom enjoying every last bit before the dreaded school year comes. I have my friend in his car behind me and there is a nice turn ahead that I can attempt to drift from, but behind it is a wet marshy area that drops down off the road not too far. If you have seen “PineTreePack” on youtube you would know that me and my friends do some stupid things on our motorized toys. So my friend is behind me recording me, and I go into the turn going a little bit too fast, and I drift, but I drift too far into the marshy area, I’m only my right two tires in so I should be able to get out.

I get out of my car because I am unable to get out and check out where I’m stuck. I move some mud and stuff and my friend following me tries to push the car from the back so we can get it unstuck. As we are doing this a state trooper that lives on the road pulls behind us going to his house. He asks for my license and registration and he gives it to us and gives us a talk on how we need to be safer and everything. We listen and be respectful and nice even though we are basically trained professionals and know the road like the back of our hand. We were safe and it was clear we were not putting anyone in danger. We don’t get in any sort of trouble but he makes that same friend with the jeep come to pull me out.

He gets here in a few minutes and hooks my car up to his and revs the engine doing a huge burnout of the cop but getting me out. My car starts fine and everything and we say bye to the cop and get along with what we were doing.

Photo by NatalieMaynor on / CC BY


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