TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Good Friends

Friendship to me means being there for one another and being able to hangout with them and you feel a good feeling with them and most importantly you can count on them when you need help. Being a good friend means you support another in a time of need and always be there for them when know one else is, having a good friend means you support another person in a time of need. It’s very important to have friends in life because without them I mean you can’t talk to or ask your parents everything right. A time that I helped a friend was definitely last year. Last winter all my friends and I were hanging out on a Friday or Saturday night. It was snowing and cold and it was just one of those nights where you stay inside. The night went on and it got colder and colder outside and the air was crisp. I usually go to bed before all them around 9 and all my friends never sleep so I go to bed early because I wake up at 4:30 every morning. So I went to bed around 9 like I usually do, and obviously I kept waking up to them still playing games and such. As the night went on it was probably 12 o clock and me and another friend were going back to bed when the other guys said they were going to Cumberland farms real quick, so I said ok be safe as it was snowing pretty hard outside. They put there shoes on and such then they left and me and my friend try to go to bed for good, and i’m a pretty heavy sleeper and as all my friends know if I don’t get my goodnight sleep I can be cranky. So im in one of the best sleep I have had all year when all of a sudden around 1:30 in the morning I get woken up to my phone ringing and I see I have 10 missed calls. I am thinking to myself what possibly could be wrong, and it better be good cause I was sleeping great. At this point I new something was wrong, so I picked up and they had told me they were doing donuts at the high school and they had gotten stuck in a snow drift. I really did not want to help them because I was mad that they had lied to me and told me they were going to Cumberland farms real quick and that I was in my warm blankets having an amazing sleep and an hour and a half later they are stuck at the high school. But I new those guys weren’t gonna get a car unstuck bye them self’s and no one else had a car that could pull them out besides me. So as I was slowly getting up not really motivated I get another call and it says hey man the cops are here and they said if you dont get here in 5 minutes were getting tickets. At this point I was like oh jeese okay so I start to hurry up a little bit and I get there as fast as I can. Nothing wakes you up faster then walking outside in the middle off a Maine snow storm let me tell you. Once I got there I see they were stuck pretty good and no way they were getting that car out, so we rigged up a bunch of bungy cords and I pulled there stuck car out. Still to this day we all talk and laugh about that moment, I could have just sat there and stayed in my bed in a very comfortable sleep, but instead I did what a good friend should do and I helped my friends out that day and I know they appreciated it. Then it goes the other way around you help a friend out they will help you out, Kinda like the golden rule.

Having friends can be a very good thing because they can help you in times of need. A time that a friend helped me out was about 2 years ago it was the winter months here in Maine and we were experiencing a big snow storm. With big winter storms me and my dad usually take turns snow blowing the drive way to give each other a break while keeping up with the snow but at this time my dad had just gotten out of surgery, so he was definitely not snow blowing as he was still in the early stages of recovery. This was a big storm so I had my hands full for sure doing the drive way and decks almost non stop. But this is where a friend helped me out for sure. one of my good friends has a plow truck and he had some time on his hands. So every couple hours he came and plowed my driveway for me for free and this was a life saver for sure and with a plow vs and snowblower its much quicker. So all I had to worry about was keeping the decks clean. My friend helping me out in this time of need bye plowing my driveway during this time really helped me out physically and mentally being able to give me a break, this is the kind of things good friends do. Having a friend in your life to help you out in situations like these is very important, because they do happen all the time and people do make mistakes, its just how the world works. There is no way around it because we are humans and we all make mistakes. So when you get into these situations like this its very important to have friends that can help you get out of these situations or just to be there for you when you need someone.

Photo by eltpics on / CC BY-NC


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1 Comment

  • kmulherin19
    February 5, 2019 at 2:55 pm 

    I feel you are so right about this because friends really are everything. It’s hard when some people don’t have many, cause that’s me and you really count on that one person. Trying to get along with more then one person is very important.

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