TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Late Nights

A true friend is there in every situation and you can always count on them. I try to be there for when people need me the most and I have friends that I know would do the same for me. A real friend is there through thick and thin and through everything. changing schools halfway through my high school career changed my whole view on friends and family. I have never had friends as close as I do now they are always there for me and always have my back even through tough times. True friends are always there when you need them and always have your back no matter what. Part of being on a team is always having your teammates back and never letting them down. I’ve been on many different sports teams throughout middle school and high school playing two sports hockey and lacrosse. I know that even someone that I only played one season with would have my back no matter what. That is part of being part of a team and sticking up for each other. throughout life you make new friends through the different places you go and things you do and sometimes you find true friend . I had just got home from lacrosse on a Saturday night my gas light came on, on my way home not something very uncommon. It was early June and we were right around the end of the lacrosse season. I got a call from one of my teammates Gabe that was traveling in a car with Colin, Jayson, and Adam three more of my teammates as they were driving home from hanging out with friends. He called me telling me they had just hit a deer in Lisbon. He told me that the car was totaled but they were all fine and that i should go pick them up. Even though i was very tired and already in bed and had little to no gas I got up and went and picked them up. Little did i know when i got there I had the wrong tool for the job. When I arrived that came up and were all excited that they were going to keep the deer. I had my suburban when my family owns two pickup trucks that would’ve made it so much easier to load the deer and bring it to Gabe’s house. Somehow with a dead deer we had to get it up onto of the suburban. It took all five of us there to get it up there thank god we had Adam who hunts to man handle the deer up when nobody even wanted to touch the deer. Just to find out that Adam would have an allergic reaction to it and have big red eyes and not be able to see ten minutes later because they were so swollen. We got it up there but there was blood everywhere falling out the entire time we were trying to get it up there. Me being the boy scout I am I was the one who had to tie it up on top and touch it because nobody else wanted to. Which was a good thing and bad because we couldn’t get it down either, The aftermath was even worse as I had guts all over the top and side of my suburban. I had to go through the car wash not once but twice and still not everything was taken off. I try to help people as much as I can. I also sometimes need help in different things too. I have a great friend group and have so many different people that help me everyday. They all are very helpful and help me with any issues or anything that happens. Last year I had to decided what i wanted to take for classes and i was already in economics. I wanted to pursue Business in college and my teacher thought it would be a good idea to take AP economics so I would get the college credit because I would have to take it anyway. I have never really been good at school I get good enough grades to pass all my classes but I am not at the top of my class at all. I knew it was going to challenge to take an AP class since I’ve never challenged myself with any honor or AP classes throughout my high school career. I knew I would have to put in extra time when I signed up for the class. Somehow I ended up with getting three study halls this year. A friend of mine that went to St. Doms her whole life and then came to Oak Hill for high school that is in my AP economics class now Miranda has helped me eminently throughout the year so far with my economics. She always takes time out of her study halls to help explain something to me if I don’t understand and she helps me problems solve things we both don’t understand. She has helped me so far in my AP economics class along with my teacher when i stay after with him. A true friend has your back and is always there for you whenever you are in need. Friends and teammates are easy to come by but true friends are harder and harder to find. I have found some good friends throughout high school that i will be friends with throughout my life. Changing schools made me realize there are so many more and different people. Playing different sports as got me to meet and talk to so many different people and coaches that i never would’ve met had I not played sports at such a high level. High School has brought about many different people and different experiences that will last a lifetime. I have met so many people and have so many friends and so many close friends that i will keep in contact with through college and after. High school and just the beginning of getting to meet and know people. True friends are found throughout life.

Photo by T Hall on / CC BY-NC-SA


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  • kbenziger18
    January 29, 2019 at 8:37 pm 

    I really like this because it shows what kind of a person you are. You seem like a good kid and this hows you’ll do anything to help anyone that you can.

  • jmartin19
    April 23, 2019 at 9:20 am 

    Knowing you since 7th grade and transfering to oak hill at the same time with really is something we had to over come. After reading this there is not better way how to explain our high school years together. Transfering Oak hill really made me find real true friends that are there for me.

  • rcote19
    May 24, 2019 at 8:38 am 

    Having a true friend in life, well, everybody needs them because we can’t tell our parents everything; living on the east road with you and knowing you’re only too houses away is an honor.

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