TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Good Day, With A Bad Ending

We were having a great day out on the ocean, blasting country music, with the warm ocean breeze, and an overall bliss. Nothing could go wrong, it was the perfect summer day. He is a lobsterman and I was helping him out, even though being seasick is no joke, especially when you forget your pills. We had just got done unloading the lobsters, lots of lobsters, it was good day on the job for him. I took off my boots, and all my stinky clothes, got inside my hot car, and blasted the AC. We were driving separate cars because he was working with a friend earlier that morning. Something was wrong with his truck, it was acting funny so I called him to ask what was going on, he answered, told me he fixed it and got off the phone. All of a sudden, his back tires skipped off the road, he lost control of the truck. It was dusty but through all of the dust I could see the truck going all over the road until all of a sudden, it was flying through the air. I watched as the truck did a cartwheel through the air, I watched my boyfriend hit the ground so hard I thought he was dead. I stayed calm, pulled over and turned on my hazards and then I lost control. I don’t believe I’ve ever run so fast, nothing else mattered more than seeing if he was okay. He seemed confused, and I could not help him. The only thing I could do was yell for help in the middle on nowhere. Yelling for help hoping someone would hear me, and they did, someone came out of nowhere and told me they were calling 911. He crawled out of the window with only a few scratches because the prickle bushes got to him. The cops made sure he was okay, but I could not believe what I saw. How is he okay right now, how did he survive? He was okay, but his truck was not, but I do not care about his truck. Looking back at that day I couldn’t laugh. It was an awful day but he is fine, and I am fine. Everyone is okay and I laugh about it. I laugh at how distraught I was when he was okay. I laugh at the fact that the police thought I was going to pass out because I couldn’t catch my breath. That day was not funny, but looking back at it, the way I was acting was. He was calm, and I was acting crazy, he was okay but I wasn’t. He was the one who just totaled his new truck, not even a month after getting buying it. Such a rough day, but he got a nice truck because of it. In the moment you might feel like things are not going to get better, and nothing else could go wrong but it is not true. I am saying this from experience, during that moment I felt as though my day could not have gotten worse, even though my boyfriend was okay, and was not hurt. I felt like my world crashed down, he lost his new truck, I lost a sense of security knowing that anything can happen in a blink of an eye. Driving scares me now, the people around me scare me, everything scares me and I was not even in the accident. Long story short, it does get better. I can laugh about the fact that I was acting like a serious crazy woman as I looked at him hanging upside down in his truck. I laugh with joy, thanking God that he is okay, seat belts save lives, always wear one by the way. It was a good day, with a bad ending but everyone is okay, and that is why I laugh.

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  • mkoch19
    February 3, 2019 at 4:48 pm 

    I’m sorry that this had to happen to you. It sounds like a fun day but in the end it was not. I have had personal experience with car accidents, and yes seat belts do save lives. But i am happy to hear that you are finally able to laugh about this upsetting situation now that it is over.

  • spessant19
    March 28, 2019 at 11:03 pm 

    Wow I had no clue that you had to go through something like this, that awful. I feel like I would be acting the same way if I was you. Just like you, I am scared of driving and scared of the other people driving around me because as you said anything can happen. My cousin died in a car accident and that’s why I put off taking drivers ed while all my friends were taking it. I’m happy that your able to look back at this and laugh. I’m glad everything turned out okay!

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