TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Friend in a time of need

I’ll start right out by saying that I do not have and have never had a ton of friends. Although I have had several good friends over the course of life thus far. But that’s probably because I tend to work better by myself. That being said though I have had some instances where people have gone out of their way to actually help me. I know it sounds like I’m saying that not many people help me but what I mean by this is that what they did was above and beyond the panels of just going out of their way. The best example of this is when my friend, my sister, and I were much younger we were heading back into my friends house when the neighbors dog came snarling at us. It wasn’t the biggest dog now that I look back on it, but when you compare it the three of us who were right around 11 years old (give or take) it was still a big dog. So this particular friend of mine was my best friend at the time and still is to this very day. He and I did not have the best starting off in fact I did not like him at all as I was more of an introvert at the time. Needless to say I was not very open with him in the beginning but I am glad I did because later on I was asked by my parents to at least give him a chance. So that same week I asked him what he liked to do for fun and one thing he said was gaming so I invited him to play a game on one of my consoles. Needless to say we started to hang out for a bit and this was a few years prior to the dog attack. So over the years we would hang out and do random stuff but then we ended up hanging out one day my sister was around because my parents were socializing with my neighbors. But since it was close to the end of the day we thought we’d call it a day and head inside. We had been hanging out across the street at what we call the circle. We were walking back and then the we heard a couple of barks. We thought nothing of them at first until they sounded like they were getting closer. That is when we turned to see the dog racing towards us. We started to run towards the door but the dog was able to cut us off.

So there we were with the dog snarling at us blocking us off we had a few options (some may be me remembering wrong so just saying.) Because me and my friend were both taking a bit larger in the dogs eyes he immediately went after my sister. Luckily I was able to shove it out of the air just enough for it to miss her but I of course fell over. My sister literally bolted for the stairs while we were still dealing with the dog. At this point I was standing up but the dog was focused on my friend who had tripped trying to keep it from getting after my sister.

So although my sister had gotten inside there was still the fact that everyone inside was in the basement so my friend and I had a little longer of a fight than we thought we would. So at this point the dog was focused on my friend and was oblivious to me getting up. The dog was just being kept at bay thanks to the fact that my friend was just strong enough to kick it back. So I ran up to the dog and not because I wanted to hurt it but more to protect my friend I kicked it right in the stomach as hard as I could.

The dog yelped and using the short time it was trying to ran over to my friend and helped them to their feet. At this point the dog has recovered and is about ready to attack again. I finally told my friend that when we got the chance to bolt for the door. Just then the dog attacked but we were able to just barely step to the side dodging the mutt. Finally after what had seemed like forever my parents and my friends parents come running out to which the dog seemed to just high tail it out of there upon seeing them.

So both my friend and I were able to get out of the situation with minor scrapes and bruises. Thankfully my sister escaped almost unscathed. The dog did not seem to bother us that much except that the owner of the dog seemed to think that we attacked the dog first but in reality we were lucky that my dad was there cause we had problems in the past with the owner. But thats one time where both my friend helped me and I helped him.

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