TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


It was the first summer I experienced with a drivers’ license, life was good and so much more convenient being able to drive myself to where I wanted to go. It was during that stage where I was getting pretty comfortable driving, maybe a little too comfortable. Also, I am typically a person who struggles with being on time usually, while I also hate being late. Anyway, It was a nice summer evening and my friends and I were planing to go out to dinner that night. Since there was quite a bit of us going we were all going meet at someone’s house and carpool to the restaurant together. Like usual, they were all waiting on me to arrive because I was running late. I was stressing to get there and was trying to go as fast as I could, which only ended up in me being even more late. I was probably going almost 15 mph over the speed limit, which was obviously not smart and not worth it at all. No surprise, I ended up getting pulled over by a local police officer, and it resulted in a speeding ticket. I was insanely terrified because at that moment I knew I had made a huge mistake. I always thought if I ever got pulled over I would just end up breaking down into tears, but when it finally did happen I understood what I did was wrong, so I knew I had to pay the price. Basically this is what went down, the officer came to my window and said, “you know why I pulled you over today?” and of course I said yes I was going crazy fast and unexpectedly he said yeah I am going to have to give you ticket, Like I said it was the first summer I had gotten my licence, so my two years of having a license was not even close to being up. This means an automatic loss of your license. Just because I was so worried about being on time and trying to shave off maybe a few extra minuets, it resulted in me being even more late and I got my license taken away for the next 30 days, so I couldn’t even drive at all! So the point is, I made a huge mistake and it only ended badly and it was not even close to worth it. The only good thing that came from all this is that I definitely learned my lesson and I almost never speed and I have not yet and I do not plan on getting another speeding ticket.

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