TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Is Laughing Important?

You know of some people that laugh in serious situations? Well that’s me. I believe that laughter is sometimes to closest thing that you have between you and I. When someone passes away and you are at there funeral laughing about a joke you and them made up when you were friends and you start laughing about it like you would when the friend was alive. Laughter is really the closest thing that you have, is there sound to someone you love.

An angel Micaela Lagasse was one of my recent friends as a sophomore, she was a freshman on my bus when I lived in Wales. She has gotten on after I got on the bus and she only lived down the road from me, live 3-4 minutes away from each other. She had always laughed at the things me and Zoe would do in the front seat with Ethan. Those were the good days. Even thought that I May not have talked to her a lot she had always brightened up my day by laughing at my stupidness.

Micaela was always such a fun and happy person to look at or even be around. Once I found out that she committed suicide I couldn’t even imagine why, because she was always positive and happy around others and her family members. I realized that when I was around her family, I saw her in every single one of them and just being around them hanging around them that she always had a spot around us. At her funeral, all those people that loved her all had some of the same memories I had but they still had a way of connecting with her and that is really all it takes to show laughter is special.

Laughter can effect people in many ways and give people different emotions that make us think different ways and act certain ways as well. I didn’t know Micaela as long as her other friends did, but those little things that I remembered with her always mattered and counted in my mind because she always made me smile. So when I think of her, all I remember is her beautiful smile and her loud precious laugh filling the room with happiness.

No matter the situation, laughter belong everywhere because it may mean one thing but it can be used in many situations including serious moments. People all act different and react in many different ways and it will always be around and happening so we should embrace it and hope it is happy memories they are laughing about. When I laugh about memories of micaela I always smile and wonder about the amazing smiles and laughter she is causing up in heaven. Just want everyone to realize that sometimes laughter or smelling is the closest way you can connect or remind someone of themselves.

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1 Comment

  • agreen19
    February 8, 2019 at 11:08 am 

    K, I can relate so much, from personal experience with my cousin, when I went to his grave site to say my final good-byes and celebrate his birthday. I just laughed because it felt like what I should do because I knew that he wasn’t hurting anymore. I myself tend to laugh at situations that people normally wouldn’t laugh at because not everything all the time should be a serious situation and be so tense. You only live once so laugh while you still can

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