TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Friends Are Like Diaries and Journals

One time, I needed help from one of my closest friends. She has always been there for me and she has been my best friend for 10 years now, I always tell her everything and I always vent to her. One day, I really needed to vent to her. So, I messaged her on my phone and I told her everything. She is really good at helping me with everything and she also always just listens to what I want to say to her. Even if it seems like it would be long, but it is never long and it’s easier to tell her than anyone else. She mostly understands everything I tell her, anything. I mostly vent to her, because I feel like she can help me with anything. Even when I want to be stubborn, she still is always there helping me with anything and always there when I need someone. If I am sad and need a shoulder to cry on, she is there for me; if I am mad and need to vent to anyone, she is there for me. She is also there if I just need anyone to talk to or even just a friend to support anything. When I need someone to support my favorite sport and everything I like. She mostly supports anything, even when I got her into racing.

When me and her text each other, we mostly keep it as a secret between each other. We try to not let anyone know about anything, especially if it’s just something that I need to say to her and I can’t tell anyone else. Like, I tell her about my crush all the time because she won’t tell anyone and also she just supports it and smiles. Not most friends would smile or even support some crushes, but she does. She also like to be like my family and tease about it, like she is one with my family since she comes to my house a lot and she helps my brother a lot on making jokes and everything. Usually they are jokes that will make me smile or even become red in the face. Her and my brother both come up with jokes all the time, Jake just does it because he is my twin brother and Courtnie does it because she likes to join in on making me red in the face. Like this past weekend, we went to Star Speedway in New Hampshire. We went there and it was a cold, windy day. We were on our way home and stopped at a rest stop for some bathroom breaks and food. My crush was with us all, he wanted to join and he can’t eat a lot of things so he went over and got a happy meal since he can’t eat any dairy. He walked over and said something to me and I had a big smile, my mom and Courtnie were both laughing at me because my face was also red. I knew I embarrassed myself, then my mom kept giving me looks so I questioned why she was doing that. 

“What?” I said to my mom.

“Nothing, you just had this big smile. No one had to even say anything.” My mom said to me, I knew I did that in front of him and Courtnie smiled over at me and she knew I felt embarrassed. I then saw my brother the next day and he was laughing and saying the messages I sent to his girlfriend and he was teasing me about it, I just looked out the car window. Another time, I was helping my friend. She looked like she was upset about something and I mostly don’t like seeing people upset. I like to figure out why some people are upset, so I walked over to her and asked her. “What’s wrong?” I asked her. She usually would tell me about anything, I would mostly help her through anything since she has been helping me through anything. After she would tell me about it I would look at her, “I’m so sorry, I know everything will be okay.” I said to her, I always told her that and usually it works. Even with just a friend like her being around, it was always good. She would always help me when I need help with anything, she would always make sure that I am happy.

΅You can always do it.” She would always tell me when I try to give up on anything. Most of the time, she helps me with everything. Even when I don’t want to do anything so I don’t stress out, she helps me. Only because she never wants to see me fail at anything. I also always feel like whatever I tell her, I can trust her with anything. I know she won’t tell other people anything and she is really good at keeping it between just us.

Not every friend could make you smile and also they couldn’t accept many things, but luckily the best friend I have. She has been with me through my toughest days and she has helped me with everything. I’m glad she doesn’t just leave me, because I don’t have many people I can tell everything to and also vent to. Friends are great when you can vent to them and tell them anything, they are like a dairy or even a personal journal. They help keep your secrets from other people. Most friends can go and come into your life, but once you find that one person that has always been there for you and will never leave. That’s when you know you have found that one friend that will always be there with you. No matter what.

Photo by PC – My Shots@Photography on / CC BY-NC-ND


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  • lpinard19
    February 8, 2019 at 11:38 am 

    Its always nice to have a friend think that. The only thing that I saw in your post is that in the beginning the text was changed into a different font. Other then that you did a really great job.

  • ahilliard19
    February 11, 2019 at 8:53 am 

    Shenderson – First, cakers is the best, love her to death! 🙂 Have you kissed your chickens today? They are also best friends. Dumb, but loving. I am glad you feel so deeply about cakers, and hope she feels back about you. You two are the cutest friends within our friend group.

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