TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Johnny’s Big Mistake

One day Johnny was walking down the street and sees a wallet sticking out from the grass. He notices the fat wallet and quickly walks over to pick it up. He reaches down and sees that it is filled with money, overflowing with bills making it difficult to close. Johnny puts the wallet in his bag and continues to walk to school, thinking about the amount of money as he goes. When he approaches his school he decides to tell his best friend Paul. “Hey Paul, guess what I found on the walk to school this morning?” says Johnny. Paul looks at him and says, “Jeez Johnny I have no idea, what did you find?” Johnny pulls out the big wallet exposing all the money. Paul takes a step back and looks in complete disbelief. “I found it on the sidewalk so I decided to pick it up and keep it, there was no ID in there anyway” says Johnny. Paul continued to be speechless but gathers himself and says, “Johnny, that was a big mistake, even though you may have thought it was the right thing, you should have just left the wallet where it was considering it wasn’t yours”. Johnny shook his head in agreement and said, “You know you’re right. I should have just left it on the ground.” This is important because he understands what he did was wrong. After school Johnny walked to the spot where he picked the wallet up and he placed it back where it belonged. Overall, Johnny did make the mistake of picking up the wallet that wasn’t his and when Paul told him that it was a mistake he realized that it was in fact the wrong thing to do and took full responsibility for his actions. The lesson is to not take or pick up anything that isn’t your property, even if it may be tempting. Photo on


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  • iaustin19
    May 13, 2019 at 11:15 am 

    Caleb, this was a wonderful story. I very much enjoyed reading it. It’s good to hear that Paul was able to convince his friend, Johnny to make the right choice after all and bring the wallet back. I look forward to reading more stories like this.

  • iaustin19
    May 13, 2019 at 11:16 am 

    Caleb, this was a wonderful story. I very much enjoyed reading it. It’s good to hear that Paul was able to convince his friend, Johnny to make the right choice after all and bring the wallet back. I look forward to reading more stories like this. It’s unfortunate that not many people would just leave the wallet where it was. In today’s society it would definitely be gone.

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