TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Enjoyment into a career

For the longest time I have had interest in the designs of houses and how they are set up to people´s expectations. I used to draw my own houses. Ones that I would want to live in, some that I thought others would enjoy living in. I never thought that I could pursue a job doing this, so I just started going on real-estate sites and just look at houses that were already built. I did this for many years when my mom finally told me that I could design houses and make a career out of it.After hearing what my mom had to say, there were so many thoughts that went through my head. Thinking about how I could do it and be great at what I wanted to do. My mother has been sending me inspiring quotes every single day since she told me this.

¨Education is not the filling of a pail, but rather the lighting of a fire¨ happened to be one that she sent me one day (Yeats). It means to not just collect what you need for your education and stop, but to gather as much as you can and keep gathering. As you would with a fire, you would grab wood and kindling to start the fire but to keep it going you would continue to collect more. There is always more out there for everyone. She said all you have to do is put yourself out there and you can get whatever you want. When Yeats says that it is the lighting of a fire, he is saying that you need to start your battle. I am now taking an architecture class that is teaching me the basics of designing a house. As well as going to go to college for architecture.

While I am going to pursue architectural design for houses, I also plan to get my real-estate licence for background. Not because I am settling for it, but because it is another thing that I love doing, in case my architectural career takes longer for the ship to sail than expected. I have been ready to be done with high school for about 3 and a half years now. Needless to say, that my whole high school experience so far. I used to stress about what I was going to do after high school. I knew what I wanted, but I was never sure how to get to where I wanted to be. Now I have a plan and can not wait to just go for it.Not only have I been stressed, I have been struggling quite a bit through life and the decisions that I have had to make. I am not proud of them all.

I got very caught up in things that I should not have and became distracted. I waited till the last minute to do everything for school and college. But I have finally come to my senses to get back on track. I am keeping myself in line and making sure I do everything that I need to do rather than what I want to do. I have a fire lit inside me now. Because of this, I am able to stay on track and continue on in life while doing what I have always wanted to do. I have put myself in many more positions to learn more and more about what I am planning on doing for the duration of my life.

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  • rcote19
    March 12, 2019 at 11:00 am 

    I really like how you make the connection with the fire and how you are able to pursue a career in something that you have wanted to do since you were a kid. Telling us your story and where you started and how you got to where you are now.

  • cdion19
    March 16, 2019 at 3:46 pm 

    Wow great job on this piece of writing. I am glad you have a very thought out plan for after school and that you plan to pursue that plan when you get out of high school. Sometimes it’s very hard to find your nitch for the future as I am trying to figure out now. But like I said I am glad you have found a passion and that fire was lit inside of you. Overall the piece of writing was well developed and well set up. Great job!

  • spessant19
    March 21, 2019 at 12:05 pm 

    I really like the career path you have decided to take. Not a lot of people our age want to do something like this. I’m glad that you have found a class that really interest you and will help you later on in life. I can relate to this a lot because I am in a carpentry class right now and that is what I want to do later on in life. I like how you have a backup plan just in case your initial plan doesn’t work out. Good luck!

  • jbrooks19
    April 1, 2019 at 12:02 pm 

    I have always noticed you have had a hard time throughout high school but who doesn’t? It always how you come back from it and it sounds like you have a better grasp on where you’re going in life design is a great thing to get into and real estate too. You have a good head on your shoulders and you always seemed like you knew what you wanted to do so it’s good to hear you have a plan in play no matter how hard it might be to get there.

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