TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Fire Built Through Teaching

Education is something that I have always taken very seriously, that was how my parents raised me–learning from failure, but always succeeding in the end. It is what happens, whether one wants it to or not. Pushing myself to take harder classes, get a GPA that is not just given to me by doing lower leveled courses, is not some one who I was. No, I may not have taken all the AP classes, but taking outside classes for college and careers is something that I have always pushed myself to do. Fire comes out often when I think about my education. The one time recently that it has come out is with my lowest strength in a subject. Trying to push through and become better at something I was not good at was going to be tough.

Sitting at a desk in this one class I have dreaded all throughout high school in my very last year, I had pushed off things. The fire came out one day. Rewriting the essay I had worked weeks on, many different times became very frustrating. I worked hard and never gave up. Not understanding the material had become my bigger issue. I thought to myself “you have to get it done no matter what, you will get through this and graduate.” I sat down one day after school with the teacher to work on it. I just sat there unsure while this teacher looked at me, they noticed my eyes became watery. Holding back the tears I started to build this fire of madness. I was frustrated in myself and I did not think I would ever get over this feeling.

As we sat there the teacher kept talking, asking me questions, at this point I was not able to hold back my tears anymore. I sat there tears streaming down my face. The teacher started talking to me saying “you do not seem confident in yourself” the fire that I had been building up came down. I worked four years on trying my best, but always seeming to fail. This is a part of life that I have no liked, but had to get over. I nodded, I did not feel confident. I did not want to fail any more. The teacher talked me up and told me there is nothing to cry about and be sad about, that I was doing great, even when I do not think I am. This sadness turned more into fire, not mad fire, but a fire that has pushed me to do better and believe in myself. Working on yourself and how you think of your work is how you are going to do in the end.

After all of the crying, I found the fire that was positive. The negative fire and crying was gone. Pushing to always do good, but even when I fail was okay. The teacher has taught me that even when I do not think I am doing good, I am and to never give up because that is what was going to make my education and work even better. Nothing but fire and always being confident even when I do no think so was going to help me build this fire even more.

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  • afaucher19
    March 17, 2019 at 4:50 pm 

    I can relate to your feeling of really stressing out over one thing because you don’t feel as though it is good enough. Often times we are our own worst critic. It is cool though how you were able to let those frustrations and concerns out and turn them into a positive drive to overcome your hard times.

  • mkoch19
    March 20, 2019 at 3:26 pm 

    It sad that you had to go through this, but we all d. i have had my moments as well, but when we really do care, we climb out of the hole that we feel we are in. I am glad that you were able to pick yourself up from being upset and continue to grow and learn more. Its the best feeling when you sit there and tell yourself that you want more, and then you go after it rather than hoping it would just lay itself into your hands.

  • gbergeron19
    March 21, 2019 at 4:11 pm 

    I thought this turned out good. From the heart. You found a way to overcome something that was hard for you and you were able to persevere through it. You learned a lot, and you kept a fire that you are able to use throughout your life and be able to overcome adversity. You show this with your use of pathos and relating to your family and showing us how your family pushes you and how much getting good grades meant to you. You use ethos because you have always strived to be a better pupil.

  • owashburn19
    March 25, 2019 at 12:17 pm 

    It is so important to try your best to change negativity into positivity. I love how you did this in this situation!

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