TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


A friend in need is a friend indeed. This is a term can have multiple meanings. Whether its you helping a friend or a friend is helping you. Friends are usually there for you more then we all would like to admit. From your birthday parties, to detentions, fooling around in class or maybe even all the way to something as big like a wedding. And sometimes there are bumps a long the way. And this is when a friend is in need. Whether or not you need help, or they do. Usually if you’re their for them they will be there for you in return. I will be sharing my stories on how I helped one of my friends and how some of mine have helped me. From a heart break that may have been devastating to them. All the way to me losing my finger. Friends are there to always to help each other.

We all have been in a relationship at some point or if you have not you will be one eventually. Some of us have experienced heart break from a relationship and if you have I’m sure you know its hard when your alone. Well that is exactly what happened to my friend. Him and his long lasting girlfriend broke up. Now I will not get into details. But he tried to fight it alone for a bit and I noticed the toll it took on him, so me and him started to go do things more than usual. We would go to Wiscasset speedway and watch races from noon to about 10 watching cars fly around the track and just joke around. You could tell just after the first night of doing that, that his attitude had changed. He was more alert and chipper, and was not stagnant but animated. He seemed to enjoy more and was in a over all better mood. So we kept on going to the races every weekend sometimes with more than one of his friends and just enjoyed our selves and compared to the gloomy dreary look on his face you had this enjoyment on it. Laughing and just enjoying himself. We did this all summer. And it seemed to help him. Almost 4 months later and he found someone else. An He did not seem upset about his other. Moral of this is that when my friend needed help healing from a broken heart in a figurative way I was there. He was in need of something different and enjoyable in his life to help him cope and get away from the thoughts for a little while. And to know he could enjoy it all for a bit is all that mattered with me. If my friend needs someone there to help enjoy something and to have a good time he knows I’m a text or call away.

The saying does go both ways though. I does not always have to be me helping a friend it could even be them helping me. An I have had friends exactly do that. When I was younger I had part of my ring finger cut off in a door. I know hard to believe, but this is how it happened. There was this joke people would pull in my family where when you enter a room they close the door shut, hold it shut and flick the lights off and on. So I entered the room and was going to close the door myself, but they decided to slam it and not sure if it was the hing or the other part of the door but it sliced the top right off my finger. Did not feel any of it till I looked down due to my wrist being wet and saw the blood. Went to the hospital they wrapped it and told me to just let it heal. They could not attach again the part that came off. During this time my left hand was unable to be used or else it may make the wound bleed more than it was, or tare the bandage. So my friend first of all bugged me and asked if I was okay. Then wanted to see it. But during this period I still went to school and being small needed both hands to carry some stuff but I was not able to use both. So my friends would help. Grab some of the stuff I could not carry and help bring it to class. Would remind me to change my bandage after school even though I did not need to be reminded. An if something happened that ended up hurt my finger more then it was they would make sure I was absolutely okay. As I was healing my friends would check in on my. Make sure I’m okay and be more than willing to help.

These two events are similar is certain ways. I helped my friend when he need help healing after a heart break. An my friends helped me when I lost part of my ring finger. One maybe figurative in the fact it is broke and the other is literal in other aspects. But we both needed healing. My friend just needed someone to be there to listen and have a good time with. I needed help with carrying stuff and just doing what I could not do by myself easily. My friends have always been a help for me. And I try my best to help them. Sometimes friends need space but they know when they need to open up I’m there or if they need help with anything I’m there for them. And I know that if I need them I can contact them and they will help me. Never take a friend for granted especially if they have been there through thick or thin because then they are truly a friend. An a friend in need is a friend indeed even if your the one in need.

Photo by josephleenovak on / CC BY


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  • ebarnett19
    April 1, 2019 at 9:20 am 

    I really relate to this post. I have had many situations as well when my friends and I do something that dramatically backfires and one of us gets hurt. It is always nice to know that when either you get hurt or have something that dramatically affect you that your friends will always be there at the click of a button. This post was greatly written as it goes into great detail about an example of these events and how you were there for each other. This was very entertaining and I loved reading it! I wonder how this relationship has affected other relationships, and whether or not this has helped you trust others more.

  • ckirk18
    April 1, 2019 at 12:58 pm 

    I remember you talking to me about how part of your finger is gone but you never told me why that kinda stinks. I use to have my mom or my grandmother close my fingers in the car door all the time but I don’t think it ever actually closed. It is always nice having someone around you that you could always talk to even if the person does not want to talk.

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