TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Asking a friend for help

People always need help, and I want to help as much as I can for anybody, especially a friend. Friends have helped me out countless amount of times and I have done the same. Whether it’s rides or if I need someone to talk to, somebody is always there for me. opinions about me have been shared, but my real friends stick up for me and when I’m feeling down about it they pick me back up.

The story I’m going to tell about is the time when my friends helped me through one of my worst injuries ever. I was in eighth grade and it was the first lacrosse practice of the year. Everything was going great, we did our warm ups, and I was feeling great. We got to one of our drills and I was given the choice to either take shots from the team or just do my own thing. I decided I wanted to do my own thing and chase the shots that my team mates missed. I was running after a ball that went well wide, when all of a sudden I felt a pop and I fell to the ground. I was laying on the ground and I could see something was wrong with my leg but I couldn’t feel any pain. My coach ran over after seeing me on the ground and asked if everything was alright and then he saw my leg. He told me not to move and he called some of the older high school players over to help calm me down. I was laying on the ground and my coach was on the phone with 911, but they said the only way the could get to me was if they drive on the field which was a bad idea because it was super wet and muddy so the ambulance might get stuck. So my coach decided to take me to the hospital in the back of his van. He stuck two of the high school players in the back with me on the drive there. We finally got to the hospital and I was checked in and got my x-rays done. When the doctor came in and told me I had shattered my knee and broke my tibia and told me that I couldn’t play that season, I was heart broken. I didn’t take that new too well and was very upset. One of my good friends and also a goalie as well told me I would heal up and be back good as new. Now here we are 5 years later, and I’m an All-American goalie. I really don’t know what would’ve happened if he hadn’t talked me through my injury.

This brings me to the time I helped a friend. It’s actually the same friend who helped me. He wanted to get his motorcycle license, but he had never ridden and motorcycle before. He knew that I used to race dirt bikes, and that I had one at the time so he asked me if he could use my bike to help him practice. Of course I said yes, and we went to the field next to my house to let him ride. At first he really didn’t know what to do but once we started to get it going he got it right away. He went into his course knowing what to do and how to ride and now he has his motorcycle license. We both have our licenses so now we can go for rides together.

In conclusion, good friends should always be there to help you with whatever you have going on. Whether it be something as small as giving you a ride, or something bigger and more important. Always be there for each other.

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