TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Family History

One day, when my mom was talking to me and my brother. She was telling us that we have a lot of cousins on both my dad’s and mom’s side of the family. I never knew that we had a lot of cousins; I did know we did on my dad’s side of the family, but I didn’t know on my mom’s side of the family. “You guys have cousin in India, Alaska, Hawaii, Mississippi and Maine.” My mom said to us, she would tell us about our cousins in Alaska and Hawaii. I never heard about the ones in India. After she told us that, I kept asking how we had cousins in India, Alaska and Hawaii.

I looked at my mom after she said any of that to us, “Do we talk to any of them?” I asked her, she then turned to me. She knew that one day I would’ve asked what I had for cousins.

“I mostly talk to your cousins in Alaska, Hawaii and Mississippi. None of us have a way to talk to the ones in India.” She said to me, I knew that someday I will go and meet all of my cousins. It’s just the matter of time when I have money to see all of them. Even with my mom saying that about all the cousins we have, it made me want to see and meet all of them. Even with it being something I didn’t know about, it was something I was glad my mom told us.

“I want to meet them all now.” I said to myself, every day I tell myself that one day I will be able to meet them and be happy that I did meet them. Especially if it’s a cousin in Hawaii, Alaska and India. I want to meet them the most, even though I haven’t seen the cousins that moved down south in a while. I never stop thinking about the day I do meet them, either if I travel to them or they traveled to Maine. The only cousins I can actually contact are the ones in Alaska and Mississippi. I also learned that on my mom’s side of the family, is where I get my Canadian French and Irish from. Then from my dad’s side of the family I get my German from. With what I learned about my family, it makes me want to be able to see all the cousins I have. It also makes me want to be able to say that I have met all my cousins. This is one thing that I learned about my family that actually made me interested about my family; other than how we all love racing. When I tell my friends where I have family, they all are shocked about when I saw India. Even though, once I get to live on my own; it might be something I will want to do and just travel there. Even if I do travel to any of the places I want to, I would only go there because I know I have family there and I want to see what it looks like too.

Knowing about my family and what we have for family members, it was something that was surprising to me. I never really wanted to learn about my family that much, but now I want to know mostly everything that I haven’t learned about my family yet. Being told about where I have cousins, got my interest and hoping one day I can meet them and be happy that I met my cousins that don’t live in Maine at all. Even though, this doesn’t really affect anything in my life; it just makes me want to travel when I am on my own. It makes me want to go see new places and be somewhere else than Maine. Even though, with knowing this; my mom could of never told me. I did ask her, since I didn’t know who else was on her side of the family. The only thing that this would affect in my life, would be if I went to the place they are at and something happens to them or if I get there and I don’t like it. Even though, knowing everything that is in my family; like being Canadian French, being German and Irish and a little Native American. After knowing all of this, it makes me wonder would we would do with all holidays and how other people could see what you are.

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  • ckirk18
    April 1, 2019 at 8:21 am 

    That seems pretty cool, I have a lot of cousins to but a good portion of them I do not talk to. I have at least one cousin in London and a few in Texas.

  • mthibeault19
    April 1, 2019 at 9:59 am 

    It is cool that you have cousins all around the world and that you want to meet the one day. I also have a big family on my Dad side of the family and when my dad starts talking about them I have no clue who is who. They mostly live around the united states and I can’t remember half of there names. I haven´t meet them all and made I day will. I think that it is amazing that you have family for all over. Also I could be a great excuse to travel the world in the future.

  • houellette20
    April 4, 2019 at 12:48 pm 

    I can kind of relate to this since I have a couple cousins that I know nothing about and find it interesting to learn more about them and possibly meet them some day. It’s nice how you and your family are able to contact some of your cousins and maybe talk about meeting up sometime! It’s cool how your cousins are all over the world, even India! I think it would be interesting to find out how each cousin got to wherever in the world they are now. Travelling to India would also be really fun, especially since it is a completely different country. I hope that you can meet all of them soon!

  • rgilbert19
    April 8, 2019 at 8:30 am 

    Wow I never knew this about you. It sounds so cool. I have a cousin through my dad who lives in Australia but I never thought of visiting her, everyday. It’s always good to have a goal.

  • lpinard19
    April 12, 2019 at 8:16 am 

    Having been your friend for awhile now I never knew that you had any cousins in India. I think that’s pretty neat. It’s a shame that you are unable to talk to them.

  • smann19
    April 24, 2019 at 9:40 am 

    You have cousins in India?!?! That is wicked cool. Also never knew that about you. I only know of about maybe 10 of my cousins. I do not really talk to my family. The fact that your able to and want to reach out / meet them is truly amazing! I hope you get to meet the ones that you want cause honestly if you are able to go to India, that sounds wicked awesome!!

  • owashburn19
    April 26, 2019 at 1:22 pm 

    I think it is so cool that you have family from lots of different places! I also admire your passion and determination to meet them one day, that really shows that you are a great person!

  • anadeau19
    May 2, 2019 at 9:58 am 

    It’s so interesting to see where all your different cousins are from. For the majority, all of my cousins are from the area, and in a place where I can keep contact with them. The two farthest ones that lives away from me would be one in Australia and one in Tenseness. Both are able to keep contact with the family, and not miss out on any news. I think it would be super cool if you planned trips to go visit them. Have you ever been out of state or country? If not, it would be a great opportunity for you to meet new relatives as well as adapt to a new environment.

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