TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

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Let’s begin by getting things straight, there are some writing topics that don’t interest me at all and writing about education is onre of them! But i suppose if I have to write about a time where I had a passion for learning then it would be during criminology. I took this class so that I could learn more about well what else, the criminal justice field of course. But this course took me on the other aspect of it.

There’s a lot to learn about the signs that a friend of yours may be in an abusive relationship but the biggest one you should look for personally for me is that friend being distant from the group of people that you all used to hangout with together. When a friend becomes distant and starts being quite even around their “person” please try and talk to them and see if there is something wrong because there is always a possibility that something could be happening and you may not even know about it.

Criminology is a class that I took the first semester of senior year because well that’s the career path that I want to pursue after I get of high school and graduate college of course. During this course, I learned that even though there were topics that I NEVER ever wanted to hear about again I had to, I had to hear about it again because I needed to know that warning signs to look for in an abusive relationship. I hate to admit that even though hearing information about this topic for sure hit home in some places. I myself have never been in an abusive relationship but I’ve seen it happen to people whom I loved dearly and they never left, they never told anyone about it because they were scared that the next hit may have been the last one.

They finally ended up leaving the relationship, and moving onto someone better. And I’ve never seen this person so happy before in my life until they finally got set free of all the abuse and that hatred that they felt for themselves, and this person even told me that they felt a lot better after they left the relationship.

In conclusion, criminology helped me see the early warning signs in an abusive relationship, and these warning signs I will bring forth with me everywhere I go just to keep others safe from being abused. If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship or have a gut feeling that something may be wrong in your friends relationship, talk to them about it because it could have a huge impact on their life.

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  • hwoodrum19
    May 17, 2019 at 8:54 am 

    I like the fact that you took away something from a class. I feel as though that is what the point of having these classes is. I feel bad for this person that you described in their relationship. Nobody should ever have to go through abuse. I am glad this person finally got out of it and found a better relationship. Overall, I am not surpriised that you are pursuing a career in Criminal justice, you always talk about SPD and 12. I am glad you have found your passion for this path.

  • aparent19
    May 20, 2019 at 9:32 am 

    I can totally agree with you. I simply enjoyed Criminology, but I hated talking about certain subjects. But I took great things away from that class. I know what to look for in bad relationships, or even better when people need help. I feel as if everyone should take Criminology, only because it’s on you to make the class interesting. I suggested Criminology to any underclassman when they signed up for next years classes. Criminology isn’t in my future, but I would take Criminology 2 if it existed!

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