TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Stories of Family Memories

My family and I each have a story that deals with public restaurants and stores embarrassing the whole family. They are mostly when my siblings and I embarrassed my parents in the middle of restaurants. These stories are talked about every through the family over and over again. My parents make sure we will never forget the times we embarrassed them in public. We will remember these stories of each other forever. So let´s go on the first story.

The first one is with my older sister. When this happen she was around 6 years old at the time. She was eating out during lunch with my dad at a Chinese buffet. In the middle of the lunch she let out this roaring burp in a middle of an restaurant where everyone could see and hear them. Everyone in the restaurant looked over at there table to where the roaring burp came from. As they looked in her direction she said ¨ That was a good one¨. After she announced to the whole restaurant that it was one the loudest burps ever she just kept on eating her lunch. My dad could help but just laugh of what my sister did but he was has embarrassed that the whole restaurant heard the burp. The only one that was proud of that burp at the time was my sister.

Now let´s move on to my younger brother. During this story of public embarrassment was trying to get ketchup out of the bottom of the bottle. So instead of banging the bottle down on the table like other people would do or I would of done. He decided to take the bottle of ketchup and tried to look inside the bottle to see what the problem was. As he looked inside the ketchup bottle he squeezed at the same. This made the bottle of ketchup shoots up hitting his face. I did not stop there. The ketchup went all over the place. It the table, the ground and all over his clothing’s. My parents tried to clean to up has fast their could and tried not to make scene. While they tried to calm my brother down who just sat there and cried. To be fair he was around 3 years old at the time and did not know better. When they was trying to take care of the problem at hand my sister and I just sat there laughing at him.

It was the night of my sister birthday the whole family was going out to eat at Texas Roadhouse. We just got the drinks and at this time I was still consider a kid so I got the kid drink. The ones with the lids on top of them so they do not spill all of the table. This was a good idea for me because I make a mess most of the time. So it was a great idea at that moment. I was trying to put the straw in the drink my mom asked ¨ How was your day at school guys¨. When I went to answer the question I thought it was safe to let go the straw and it would not pop out of the drink. Then with in a second let it go the straw flew over to table next to us. When the straw flew over hit a bald guy in the head and then landed in front of him. I was so uncomfortable that I hid where the man could not see me. My mom face when red when apologizing to the man for me. I was really embarrassed that I stayed where the man could not see me for the rest of the night.

These stories will always be remember in the family and they definitely will not let any of else forget about happen on those days. These stories affects me because the show me the fun times I had with my family. Also they show me that it is okay to make mistakes and just laugh about their saying what you did wrong. I know these stories always come up when talking to the family later in life. It is great to laugh about something that embarrassed you later in life.

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  • kmulherin19
    April 4, 2019 at 11:20 am 

    I really like how you gave different stories on what you and your family did, but I was quite confused at first. I think maybe if you gave more of how that story related to family history it would have made more sense. I really like how you organized your blog post though, in the order that you put the paragraphs in.

  • rgilbert19
    April 8, 2019 at 8:23 am 

    It’s always fun to have a laugh about something. All those things sound so funny but I get how the were embarrassing at the time they happen. In my house it’s more like my sister won’t let my dad forget certain things in the past, like how he lost her favorite doll at age 5.

  • cakers19
    May 14, 2019 at 3:54 pm 

    I like how unique this was! Instead of going with the traditional family history route you told us stories about your family that you are all able to laugh over and I think that’s wonderful! I really like how you told us multiple stories as well instead of narrowing it down to just one single story, it really gives us a glimpse into the true embarrassment you all have gone through and felt before and gives good context to the type of stories you remind each other about. All in all I really liked reading this and hearing about your stories and seeing that you’re able to have a good laugh about them. (And as stated before, I loved the unique twist you put on the whole ‘Family Traditions’ aspect of the work!)

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