TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Luck Of The Irish

I’ve always been really interested in the Irish culture. Ireland is my dream country, the Irish accent is my favorite and the people are unique and pique my interests.

A few years ago (around the time I had started 8th grade) I began to fall in love with this Irish culture, but I was a bit upset that I would never be able to truly be Irish. This changed though when I turned 16 and my father told me that I was indeed Irish.

This was the first time I had ever heard anything about my family history, not to mention he had brought it up so nonchalantly, just sitting together in the living room watching TV. I thought he was messing with me at first but the proof began to pile up and I knew I had to believe him.

As you’d expect I was ecstatic. I was actually a part of this culture I had grown fascinated and entranced by, it had to be some kind of (Irish) luck.

As time went on I read up on old Irish books to learn about the past, I found out that it was my father’s side that was Irish and I found something I truly loved about myself. It’s always been really hard for me to find something I’m proud of about myself but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I’m proud of my Irish heritage.

I spent days and days on end talking with my Grandpa, asking him all about what he could tell me.

“What’s Ireland like?”

“Do you and Nana celebrate any Irish holidays?”

“Is it true that their main crop is potatoes?”

“Does it really ALWAYS rain there?”

Were among the questions I bombarded him with almost everyday.

This became an activity that brought us closer together, something we’d never been able to do before. I’ve never had a bond with him until now. This family heritage was bringing me closer to my father’s side of the family.

My experiences with the Irish side of my family has been nothing but good times and euphoric joy, but my experiences with my own heritage and Vargas differs greatly. He felt upset that he had to earn his patriotism but I’ve never felt upset at the fact that I’m not 100% Irish. Just having a little bit of Irish in me makes me happy, even the tiniest dose.

While it’s dumb and a bit of a stereotype I’ve found myself faking myself into thinking I’m doing better on tests as well. My self confidence has shot up and the more tests I pass the more my dad jokes, “It’s the luck of the Irish”. The more he says this phrase to me, I begin to rely on it and believe in it even if being lucky is technically an Irish stereotype.

Learning about my heritage really has changed how I look at myself. While I haven’t changed, I’m still the same person I feel proud and a bit self confident just knowing that I have this side of me, a side that I had always wished and dreamed for.

Photo by Stanley Zimny (Thank You for 39 Million views) on / CC BY-NC


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  • ckirk18
    April 1, 2019 at 8:31 am 

    This is super cool but at the same time, it is super funny because in a way you guessed part of who you are when you were young. I also think that it can be better late than never to find what who you are, I was a kid that learned at a young age due to the family being so happy about it.

  • rgilbert19
    April 8, 2019 at 7:58 am 

    I know the feeling when I found out I had french heritage I wanted to know more about that country and language. It’s always good to know where you come from, It helps you understand more about yourself.

    • smann19
      April 23, 2019 at 5:07 pm 

      The Irish is such an intriguing heritiage! There is so many different things that can be learned and it is truly amazing. I suppose this could be a fact for every heritiage but that is just me! Not being fully one thing is pretty cool. It is like being a “mutt” there is all these different parts to you that you may know some about or nothing at all and the concept is pretty amazing if you ask me!. I really enjoy how you put little puns into your blog, it makes it even more enjoyable to read! I also love how much voice you put into this blog. Which makes it even better :).

  • sstinson19
    May 3, 2019 at 8:31 am 

    Wow I love how you’ve explored the side of you and your heritage. I think that it’s important to know your roots and where you came from. I don’t think that anything is dumb if it helps your self confidence. I’m so happy that you got what you wished for! Guess it really must be “luck of the Irish”

  • asthilaire19
    May 8, 2019 at 1:20 pm 

    That is so cool always thought I saw that spark of joy in your face as you watched jacksepticeye when his loud irish accident came on the tv screen or even over the computer screen. You were always so happy about watching him and looked forward to his videos. I had noticed you get happier at one point maybe it was the Monday after you found out that you had some irish in you. You had been so down and we always had hoped as a friend group that everything would get better and it did that monday morning you were so happy uplifting and even down to being loud and roudy with me.

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