TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Unexpected Push

In life we need to learn to laugh at certain situations. Especially ones that we take more serious then it should be. One thing I have learned from racing is that some people have a problem laughing at a scratch or rub mark on there race car. It isn’t necessary. Accidents happen, and happen quickly. In knowing this we all need to remember that it is not always someone’s fault. Some times stuff just happens and we need to accept that. Especially if it is as simple as someone accidentally spilling something on you. If we all learned to have the ability to laugh at these accidents dealing with them would be easier cause it wouldn’t seem more serious then it needs to be.

This ability to laugh and joke around about certain situations helped make a day that could have been bad into a better memorable day. Same with my Cousin John. Me and him were racing. A very close and fast race. I was racing on the second groove of the track whilst he was running on the lower groove right on my inside. We were door to door, bumper to bumper. We did this for about ten laps. Eventually just one little mistake happened. He came in lower into three and four. In seeing this I moved lower myself. His move lower made his front end loose grip and he slowly moved up the track. I go higher up the track to try and avoid him. Almost in the clear as the car slides through the marbles or chunks of rubber on the top of the track. Next thing I hear is a loud bang of the tin shifting from a hit. Nowhere to go, nothing either one of us could do at this point. He came up right into my rear tire. Shoots the back end of the car right into the air cause it to do a pirouette. Back of the car goes around pointing me into oncoming traffic. Car lands and i’m hard on the brake. Three of five cars behind me lock up their brakes and spin coming into turn four. Avoiding me and John. We both go to continue racing after re-attaching the chain to my car. Neither one of us won like we would have if we did not wreck but after it was all said and done we were joking around about it. Sitting in the pits drinking some water and just laughing about it. Watching the video on replay. Just to see the back of the car to lift up off the ground, almost standing on its nose was hilarious to us. Forget the fact that I was driving the car. John would say something along the lines of “How come you don’t have road rash on your car.” Have some other bystanders who witnessed it ask “How long did you take ballet classes for, seem to be good at the pirouette thing.” These comment among many others just made it even better to laugh at.

This ability to think this little car got hit hard enough to take the back end up off the ground and stand pretty much on nose then land facing the wrong way amazed us and just was fun to watch. Then to see everyone else spin and be pointing the same way I was could not have made it seem even funnier. This ability to laugh about it did not create distress because we did not finish where we wanted to but instead just made something we can go and look back at this day. A hilarious memory. Laughing at this made it that moment. Not only did it make it easier to get over but its a moment we can go back and look upon. Just to have a good laugh. This moments and memories that will carry with you for a life time. We all need them. So instead of getting mad and upset over the small things. Learn to joke about them. To find the silver lining. Laughter is the best cure and often makes situations better.

Photo by Author


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1 Comment

  • mflaherty19
    May 26, 2019 at 5:18 pm 

    I really like how you made this a personal story by adding the part about you and your cousin racing, it made the story flow better. I also agree, we need to learn to laugh at the things we take to seriously, great story.

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