TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Not So Historical Family

In my family there is not much about us that is unique, cool, or interesting. I could talk about our family gatherings, meeting my uncle, or the relationship that my mom and aunt have. I was 12 years old when my dad died. I had no control over what happened in life or how to work things out. I was almost too young to understand why people in my family weren’t talking to me. I had not done anything wrong, but some people in my family drifted away and have no relationship with me. I guess, if I had to pick something unique about my family is that we can forgive each other for what has been said or done. Other families usually decide to disconnect and not work things out with each other.

Fun fact, my Uncle Jake is my Dad’s half brother and not full brother. I didn’t really know that or the fact that my Uncle Jake existed because I met him as a baby, I guess. How on earth was I supposed to remember that? While my dad was alive, he and his brother never got along or visited with each other. That’s just how my Dad was sometimes. He was hard to get along with unless you were me. At my Dad’s visiting hours I had met my Uncle Jake(again) and actually remembered him. Let’s just say it was a bit awkward, but it was nice to see someone that I had never gotten to know. I had barely even heard about him until that day. Ever since then I have been able to talk to him through letters and texting. I get really excited when I get mail from him because it is usually on major holidays or my birthday. We have a better relationship than I do with my uncle on my mom’s side. I don’t see this uncle or like him much because he is full of himself and only cares about himself. I am glad that my Uncle Jake communicates with me and tries to be involved.

My Auntie Sammie on the other hand, I have known and grown up around because the relationship between her and my dad was really good. The day of the Celebration Of Life for my dad was one of the last times that I had talked to my aunt for a couple of years. The reason for that is because she didn’t get the money that was being collected, instead, I did because I was his daughter. That causes an argument between my mom and aunt, which caused me to stop seeing her. I was quite surprised that my aunt would act that way towards my mother and I over money. The good thing is, is that I am able to see my aunt and cousins because the air was cleared and she got over it. At times my family can be dramatic, but that is how some families are. The unique thing about my family is that we will eventually forgive each other and move on, while other families hold grudges.

My family is somewhat small for what I know. There is some family that I have never met and will probably never know about. My Mom’s half of the family feels quite small and seems to be getting smaller and smaller. My Dad’s side isn’t all that big either. I used to be close to them, but ever since he passed I only keep in contact with my Aunt, Grandmother, Uncle and a few cousins. My Step Dad’s side of the family is in between small and medium. There seems to be more people that I see on his side than my Mom’s side. I would like to continue to go to our thanksgivings, Christmas’, and other get together’s that we have. It is nice to see everybody and catch up on things that we may not have talked about.

My family is all kinds of messy and it can be a little chaotic sometimes, but that is the part that makes us “different”. At times I like to be around or at family gatherings and other times I hate it and refuse to go. It all depends on who is going to be there and whose house it is at. Now that I am 18, I can make my own decisions and understand what is going on around me. I can also tell who is going to be there for me and support me or who will disconnect from me like my grandfather did. Like Vargas, I did not really know my Uncle Jake until we started writing to each other through cards. Vargas’ mother is kind of like my grandfather that started to fade away.

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  • owashburn19
    April 26, 2019 at 1:18 pm 

    I absolutely love your family and the energy you provide at ALL events! Your families forgiving and loving nature has defiantly effected my life for the better!

  • mbuckmore19
    May 14, 2019 at 4:25 pm 

    I liked reading this, I like the uniqueness your family has and the forgiveness part. It is always good to see that your family can forgive each other and not let it ruin relationships between everyone.

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