TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

gun control

Education Is important to a person’s development. Different subjects interest me more then others. An Assignment in Government and politics really made me more intrigued in learning. The take a stand paper that I did on gun control really set off my “fire” for learning about this topic. I found it so interesting to me so I needed to find a deeper understanding of it.

I realized gun control was Problem throughout our country. I was inspired by this assignment because our own government created the second Amendment for all citizens to bear arms. This triggered me because at this time I wrote this paper the election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was going on. Clinton wanted to band guns and have a lot more stricter policy on concealed carry. In my opinion that would be limiting the rights of the second Amendments breaking the rights of our own Constitution.

I believe every citizen In the United States Should be allowed to own a gun and carry it on them. Our founding fathers created the second Amendment for a reason. The right to bear arms mean a lot to many Americans take pride in. Not every country you are allowed to own guns. Our country is fortunate enough that we have the freedom to be able to own weapons. To me freedom is symbol that we all should take pride in. Our own country was based on getting our own freedom, and I believe that the can not take our rights away from us.

During the time I was writing this I researched gun control. I looked at the cities that had strict gun control laws and the cities that have lower gun control laws. There was a direct correlation to crime rates being higher the cities that have strict gun control policies then cities that have less strict policies on gun control. Researching this really lite the lamp for me because I found it so interesting that the major cities like Chicago have strict gun policies and have one of the highest crime rates across the county. We do not even hear about gang violence and brutal murders on the news because in these major cities because people are getting murdered on the streets every day. Bloody murder scenes are happening and there is nothing the police can do about it because criminals are always gonna get there hands on weapons.

This assignment really set my “fire” about learning because it was interesting to me. I needed to find a deeper understanding about it and how it was and issue in today’s modern day society so I researched it.

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  • zbuteau19
    April 22, 2019 at 10:12 am 

    I very much agree with everything you have said here. This is very well written. Your opinion is very appreciated by meany people whom feel the same way.

  • smann19
    April 23, 2019 at 11:12 am 

    I can relate to a fire being lit for me from writing the take a stand essay. I didn’t even think of that until reading your post! The only difference is mine was on organic foods and this topic made me have a better understanding not only of the topic but things that happen at my work. To connect with your gun control laws I too go along with your opinion on the matter.

  • aday19
    April 29, 2019 at 8:12 am 

    In my eyes, the Second Amendment is truly looking out for us all and ensuring our freedom from people that might want to oppress us. Although I am sad that not everyone feels the same way that I do, I am so happy that you have taken the time to actually research this subject and not gone along with everything that the news has been broadcasting. I truly wish that more people would follow your steps and at the very least, research it for themselves instead of letting someone twist the words for them.

  • meaton19
    May 9, 2019 at 9:14 pm 

    Yeah man, you hit it spot on. I agree with everything you said and you did a good job writing it. It showed that you actually put in the effort to read up on this stuff. Being able to voice your opinion without going out after others is a good way to voice it and is respectable. Good job man.

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