TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Spark that started a Wildfire

Going to junior I was not excited for anything. I hated waking up at five in the morning to get ready for school. I hated both red and white days of my sophomore year and I expected the same this following year cause, I have so much work to do and follow up on from the past years that I just did not do or have a care for. In high school I had no passion for any subject or any of the classes I was taking I hated them all, they all just were super boring to take and try and stay away in. I also never really got along with the teachers because I decided to hand in everything the last week of them semester and would expect an extension but I knew that about 50% of the time it would never happen. The first white day that I had of my junior year was my most interesting day of high school by far. The day started by getting to school at seven in the morning and having no idea what I had for classes and what was going on, almost like I was in a state of confusion. I went to guidance to my schedule and saw that I had LRTC on this particular white day without knowing about it, then we got dismissed from our school at 7:30. We arrived at LRTC a little pass 8am and we started class, no idea what I was doing super nervous palms sweating up a storm, legs slowly starting to shake major butterflies in my stomach, and the worst part of it all is I started to voice crack super bad like almost after every other word. Then we started the material and paper based part of the class which in turn seemed really boring and dull. I hated it there doing everything in my power to not fall asleep during the conversation and lesson that is currently taking place right in front of my sleepless body wondering if I will make it or get caught sleeping in class. Then we went out into the shop which was fascinating to me cause I wanted all class for this moment and we started the “fun time” of the class which was just putting wires into a box and splicing them together which was very difficult for the first time. It lit a small burning passionate fire for the class and the material we are going to cover. After that first week of the class that fire grew from a little spark on like a leaf to a wildfire. I was telling everyone about what I was learning and how well I was learning it and was being swallowed by the knowledge. I enjoyed the class so much I never wanted it to end. I tried my hardest in the class my lowest grade was around an 85 and I had multiple 100’s and high 90’s.If something you in high school and you enjoy doing it do not just push through it super easy with no effort. Put forth the effort and try your very hardest cause, there will not be very many things you enjoy doing within high school and possibly in the future. If something has your attention give it your attention and give it your all do not let little road bumps stop you from doing it.

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  • smann19
    April 23, 2019 at 4:14 pm 

    The end of this has a wonderful upturn! High school classes seem so boring and I personally know, the want to do the work, in a class I dislike, is very diminutive. When I also started LRTC the beginning seemed so boring! And it was like, I have to sit here for 3 periods with a teacher unlike any other I’ve ever had, this is gonna be a horrible year. However, like yours, moving into the actual hands-on work you do in the class it made the class so much better and my attention was put into something I actually felt I enjoyed in high school. I love how you end your blog it seems to portray a determination in knowing what you want and how it should be done.

  • dgendron19
    May 10, 2019 at 12:33 pm 

    I am so glad that you found your passion through a class in your high school years. This could be very beneficial towards your future and it reminds me greatly of my high school experience in my chemistry class. I have not taken an LRTC class though my high school career but I have heard that they can be really interesting and super helpful for your future. I hope you follow this passion and become an electrician in the future!

  • jwalker19
    May 15, 2019 at 7:46 pm 

    Wonderful development through the essay, you can really see the difference from the point of view from the start and end of the paper. Wonderful use of the analogy with the fire and passion, adds a lot to the piece. I like the writing, and how you used it to elaborate on your dismal attitude towards school your sophomore year. Great paper.

  • aredmun19
    May 16, 2019 at 9:39 am 

    Finding your individual passions through high school is a very hard thing to do and I am happy to hear you were able to do so! High school isnĀ“t always the most accepting or understanding place so I find it really encouraging to hear your story. It is my hope that every student can find at least one thing in school that can spark some sort of passion within and lead to their future endeavors.

  • xmichaud19
    May 17, 2019 at 9:15 pm 

    I can relate to this from transferring into Oak Hill for my junior year. My first day I was very nervous and had no clue what to expect. Coming from St.Doms where I struggled to coming to Oak Hill was a big change. I think my change in education sparked me to do better in my classes as well. This is great that you could have something change to make you get that drive for high school and just learning.

  • ocavanagh19
    May 23, 2019 at 5:31 pm 

    I am happy to hear that someone else found LRTC really helpful and fun. I had the same reaction the first time I went to LRTC, I was really nervous, but I have learned a lot from that class similar to you. My LRTC class is what lit my fire as well.

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